
Guys, what should I do about this male friend?

by  |  earlier

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A male friend of mine told me he had feelings for me about a year ago. I told him I didn't feel the same way but I hoped we could still be friends. Since then, this male friend has been pestering me asking every time I'm on MSN what male friends I'm talking to and what we're talking about. He's even been telling his mates bad stuff about my boyfriend of 6 months to try and get to me. I've told him to stop but he won't listen. What should I do?




  1. Cut him off.  

  2. cut him off from being a friend.

  3. Tell this guy that you thought of him as a good friend and that you care for him in that way, but he is making it difficult to stay that way. Ask him why he would want to hurt you by posting mean comments about your boyfriend. Tell him that if he really liked you he would be understanding. If he doesn't want to shape up, then he was never your friend in the first place. He is probably hurt from your rejection. However, that doesn't give him the right to be an idiot. Good luck.  

  4. Well you tryed reasoning with him and hes still not listening, the h**l with him hes not a good friend.

  5. say f u buddy, im done with u

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