
Guys, what would you do if a girl told you she liked you?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in grade 11 now. In grade 10 I sat beside this guy in class and started to like him. Then it was summer and we didn't talk at all. Now our lockers are close to each other so I will see him everyday. People told me last year it looked like he was flirting with me, but I don't know. If a girl said she liked you but you didn't like her what would you do, honestly, and would you tell anyone about it? How should I say it to him.




  1. Depends if the guy has alot of confident or shy.  I would tell my friends about it.  Honestly if you don't talk to him much start being friends then and work it from there.  I mean if someone I don't know ask me out then it is based on apperance more then personality.  And just be yourself and don't be fake and when he dates you and your been faking/lieing the whole time then it will ruin you.

  2. I would pretend it never happened and I wouldn't tell anyone. I would say that we could still be friends if she wanted to and that I didn't feel the same way.

  3. well if i didnt like her, i would be polite about it and say im sorry but i dont like u that way and i hope we can still be friends and if she asked me not to tell anyone then i wouldnt cuz im nice like that but most guys would tell all there friends and stuff

  4. I would suggest asking him to have lunch, go to a movie or something with you or something first, before just saying "I like you". Because you don't really know him yet. Just walk up and say "(His name) have you seen ??? movie yet" or "Would you like to join me for lunch sometime?". Once you have the conversation open, then see where it goes. If all that goes well then later you can get to the "I like you" stage.

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