
Guys, when you are dating and start to really like a girl....?

by Guest33454  |  earlier

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Say you haven't come to the point of saying 'I love you'... Do you think about LOVE? Or does that not even cross your mind. Say you've been in a 6 month relationship and totally like the girl you are with. Do you ever think about whether you love her or if you are going to tell her you love her? I only ask because I wonder if only girls think about this stuff. I once had a guy friend tell me that he didn't even think about love until his girlfriend told him that she loved him, then he realized that he was in love too. So that just made me think, do guys just not think of whether they love their gf before it is even said?




  1. To answer you question it took me eight month before I realized I was totaled in love with the woman I married. We have been together going on two year now and it has been very special for us.  I had some hard times trying to tell her how I honestly felt about her and we took our time and worked though them. I had a bad marriage and she had a bad marriage, so it took me awhile to so those magic words you ladies love to hear. To this day I tell her every day 4-10 times day how much I love her.And I think about it every day!

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