
Guys, who would you rather date??

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the girl in pink or girl in green, who do you prefer and why?




  1. green

  2. Mmmm very tough but i would say green something about her face is very s**y (girl next door look) and no she is not fat

    the pink has too much make up on and it looks like she is faking the smile

  3. You can't just judge them by a face value that's wrong , they both look nice and happy :D but the pink one looks great 8)

  4. Neither.   I have a cuddly wife.

  5. could i get both? if not pink

  6. U guys are giving more attention to pinky but the thing is greenish is not well exposed in this picture ! Its not an ideal pic to compare !

    By the way I'd prefer threesome !

  7. if i was a boy i would pick the one in the pink, the one in the green is fat

  8. pink she looks like she has more confidence and has a prettier face

  9. pink all da way

    shes way prettier and looks like she has a better personality

  10. the one in the green for me thanks, looks like a whole load of fun.

  11. omg how can u say that the girl in the green is fat, ignore her she aint fat AT ALL. its people like 'glamorous cindy' who think perfection is everything but then they usually turn out to have no personality. I think that both of you are very very pretty and it should be easy to find dates for both as equal! good luck and ignore that stupid comment, the one in the green aint fat at all. x

  12. Pink, I prefer her face.

    Thank you, I appreciate this, as wouldn't my wife, if I told her.

    I'll be available from Sept 5th - 26th.


  13. 2 'glamorous cindy' get a life love. Shes not fat at all. They both r pretty girls. Go on who interests u the most. Who`s the most fun, sense of humour etc.

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