
Guys, why do you spit on the floor?

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...when you see a person? It is very disgusting and rude. It only makes you look really sick and mean... (not directed to sport players/athletes)

Do you like it when you see another guy spitting out saliva? Can't you do it when others aren't watching you or do you do that on purpose? if you do that on purpose, then tell me why? I see guys spitting on the floor all the time and it's annoying!




  1. Only a certain type of guy spits.

    Let's face it, you don't see lawyers, doctors, politicians or airline pilots casting out their phlegm onto the ground. The bottom line is there's a certain type of moron near the bottom of socio-economic ladder who can relate to people only on a physical level and thinks spitting makes them look tough. That's all there is to it. It's nothing to do with clearing one's throat, having a cold, etc.

    I once saw a sign saying "If you expect to rate as a gentleman, do not expectorate on the ground".

  2. Because it's rude to spit on the table.

  3. I so agree and it is so rude and so against every code of ethics in the Big Book of Etiquette.  BUT....then you must think of how many actual "gentlemen" read or even are aware that there is a Book Of Etiquette or what the word Etiquette or even manners for that means.  There are certain types of people who don't care what they do, where they do it and how they do it.  You can explain it to them why it is wrong until you are blue in the face and they will turn around and do it again.  Like they say..Class, either you've got it or not.  I've often wished that when they spit and that somehow they would slip and fall face first into their own fresh wad of saliva without hurting them self just to humiliate them self and to see how ugly it is.  Maybe then they'd stop.  Probably not, but some would.

    Peace & Love  :)

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