
Guys, would you ask out an indian? PIC?

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I was just wondering if guys who arn't indian find it hard to ask out girls who are because of their family? Or something.

Please let me know your veiw.

btw i am indian and am attracted to white guys but they never ask me out is it cuz i'm ugly? please let me know and don't lie plz thank-you.

I really need a guys opinion so girls can answer if they want but i'd prefer the guys to.

Thanx in advance :)




  1. It may be cultural differences that holds guys back. You appear to be attractive. Probably the right guy hasn't come along. We all go through dry spells.

  2. I can assure u that its not that ur ugly!

    Good luck in the future

  3. Many western or Caucasian guys assume that most people from India follow family traditions, have arranged marriages, and that Indians don't assimilate too well with western society. For example how often does an Indian neighbor, classmate, or colleague at work actually make an effort to become close friends with non-Indians. Very few Indians actually invite non-Indians over, or go to non-Indian events. As a result many white guys automatically assume that if they ask an Indian girl out, they will ultimately be rejected by the girl's family and that she will break up with him.

  4. no honey  ur NOT ugly. ur pretty! to me probably the reason u never had a boyfriend was because ur only attracted to one race, like asain, hispanic, && da other races. try liking other races && der will be one guy who will like you. also give confidence in urself. maybe u dont go where guys will be, like a club or a party were a lot of guys will be. also try talking to guys. dat might helpp.  

  5. I know your question is addressed to the boys but perhaps others can see what's going on here.

    White boys might think that you are very attractive but they might well think that they don't want the hassle of the difference that they guess is there in your religious background. If you were going to a Christian church they would find it less complicated.

    Try going to a church or churches, especially of the warm and friendly kind. Check out their beliefs and see how the boys respond to you then.

    A sample of my own beliefs for your interest is here:

    I hope this helps. xx

  6. no ur not at all ugly. you are very pretty. and im sure loads of white guys would ask u out. u r  only 16 so you have plenty of time yet to find a nice lad. good luck xx

  7. Wow, you're lovely....can I have first refusal?

  8. omgg

    no no no.

    you're so gorgeous.

    dead serious.

  9. You're not ugly at all. The probable reasons you give are the most likely, the family thing.

  10. If I were 16, I'd ask you out!

  11. well u aren't ugly this picture of yours sucks man really can't u get a decent photograph any ways why don't u go out with indian men do hate ur culture u prefer our culture so ur attracted to white men

  12. You are gorgs girl love the hair go out and have fun :)  

  13. I reckon its your tact when dealing with caucasian males because it most def isn't your looks, PHHHhhhwwwoooaaaarrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

    Don't get hung up on your indianess (if theres such a word).

    Put i this way, I would ;- )

  14. No, you're not ugly.  

  15. No. You are actually very pretty. Try to let guys know your interested then they may ask you out x

  16. i dont think you are ugly at all!

    read my question!

  17. I think you are gorgeous and will take you out anytime.

  18. I had a friend in high school who was in love with an indian gal but because of the different cultures they never dated even when some of my friends tried to get them together.

    Where did you got that picture at? is there another grudge movie coming? yaiks!

  19. no your hot!!! aahhh if only i was str8!!! lol n i like ur hair...sorta look like that chick from kill bill...wats her name????

  20. Maybe they don't understand the culture or think it might be awkard with your dad/brothers - all about acceptance, when it shouldn;t matter.

    Who knows, personally most people I know, wouldn't CARE if some one was from a different background.

  21. nooo ur not ugly, in fact ur stunning, i think indian people are the worlds most beautiful people e.g. aishwarya rai i think shes the most beautiful woman in the world maybe guys are intimidated by ur beauty

  22. I think maybe you shouldn't limit your self to one race.  It will be a bit more difficult to find a bf if you only go for white guys.

    You should give all type of guys a chance. You never know who you might find.

  23. You're not ugly at all!

  24. Your so beautiful, Mann your so lucky.

    I dont think its because their not attracted to you, but because they would find it weird, and isn't it a part of your religion to have arranged marriages with an indian guy?

    Im not sure, but thats what i thought,.

    Hope i helped.

  25. Girl, I think you're hot ! I'd date you in a heartbeat if you were into girls.

  26. dont be silly your not ugly at all. In fact you look white! Aishwarya Rai has dead white skin colour too but she married an asian! No offence though!

    The right guy will come along one day dont worry. Many indians have married foreigners too! Take Arun Nayar, he married Liz Hurley! I know many Indian kids who have white mums or dads.

    Just make sure if you are dating interracially, you get on well with your bf parents!

    As long youve got the right attitude and self esteem - you'll get a bf in no time.

  27. Your Gorgeous! Love the hair!

  28. you're pretty, it's probably just the bangs.

    guys are effing stupid and think anyone with dark haired bangs are emo.

  29. The reason you're not being asked out is definitely not because you're ugly, you're anything but ugly.  I can't really say why you're not being asked out but speaking as a former teenage boy I can say that guys your age aren't the smartest creatures on the planet when it comes to their taste in the opposite s*x.  Sometimes they'll pass on a beautiful girl who won't "put out" so to speak in favor of a rather unattractive girl who will.  If this is the case with you then I'd say you're classy and pretty, something that will be appreciated more when you leave high school.

  30. You're gorgeous. When can I take you out?

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