
Guys, your pregnant teenage girl sleeps around - so is it yours?

by  |  earlier

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Do you stay with her? What do you do?




  1. i think this is a Jeremy Kyle question.

    You poor boy. I feel for you, i really do. You cant ever know the answer to your question until the baby is born.

    How old is your girlfriend?

    Maybe you should just ask her this question. She is most likely to know. If she doesnt, when the baby is born. Take a paternity test.

  2. Why the h**l would you? It's only a matter of time before she brings back some lovely STD's to you.

    Demand a paternity test. If it's yours contest ownership as she's clearly not a fit mother and pawn it off on some adoption agency.

    If it's not then no problem.

  3. Sorry I am not a guy but if she is sleeping around then why would you stay with her? If the baby IS yours, then be there for the baby, get a paternity test.

  4. try a lucky dip

  5. paternity test!

  6. Why does your girl sleep around? You should keep her in check, dude.

    If you did that to her, I doubt she'd still be hanging around.

    She got herself into this situation and all you can do is wait it out. You should have used contraception, then you would've been certain that it wasn't yours and you could've moved on easily.

    When the baby is born, get a paternity test straight away, get it over and done with and out of the way so you can decide what's the best thing to do

  7. dump the s**t lol get the test when the babys born if its yours be there for him or her.

  8. You won't know if it's yours until you get a blood test. But no, I wouldn't stay with her if she sleeps around. I would man up and take responsibility for the baby if it's mine though. I just wouldn't want to be with someone that's going to go around and hop on any man she can.

  9. Paternity Test!

    Be there as a friend for emotional support, but end the relationship as her boyfriend

  10. the only thing u can do is get a paternity test wen its born .... dnt walk away coz if the baby is urs , the baby deserves a father and a mother not jus one of them jus wait and see and at least then u dnt have anythng to feel guiltty abt in de long run....

  11. I dont think anyone on here is going to know if the baby is yours or not. You'l have to ask your girlfriend to be honest with you, or wait til the child is born to do a paternitiy test.

    but If you think ur girlfriend is cheating on you then end it but be there for the child if he/she is yours.

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