
Guys ~ Do you like girls who are beautiful without tons of make up more ? Or do u not care ? ?

by  |  earlier

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Cuz I like make up but I don't go over board ...and people think I am naturally pretty cousin is also pretty but she wears so much make up that she looks fake...pretty but fake you guy care or does it not matter as long as they are pretty (and have a good personality of corse) Thanx 4 answering any who do ..=)




  1. im not sure. im butt ugly with out a touch of makeup. or thats what i think.  

  2. so many girls ask this question, of course the guys would like the girl with more makeup more because they use so much to cover up their flaws. who cares anymore? the world has gone rotten so just splash all the makeup you want. is it anyone's business? i myself don't wear anything but eyeliner and foundation but who cares? wear what you want.

  3. The more makeup a girl wears, the less respect I have for her. I just don't like the 'caked-on' makeup. I don't know why so many women wear so much makeup...

  4. im a girl i know.

    but i think make up is totally fine as long as you dont cake it on. ]

    do mine?;...

  5. when girls go over board its like wtf

    its not a good thing it does make them look fake and i really think its stupid when girls do that when they don't even have to

    i like it more like just eye liner and lip gloss thats good enough for me

    girls worry too much about there look and thats when they go over board

    don't do it or your be a barbie haha

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