
Guys...Does It Bother You That There As So Many Girls In This Category?

by Guest44565  |  earlier

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and some of them give immature or incorrect information?




  1. i agree with the guy above. its not worth my time to pay any attention to girls who cant understand "MEN'S" health.

  2. It kind of does,  but they have the right to do it!

  3. yea it just makes them sound stupid

  4. Its a free website. Let them say whatever they want.

  5. no  

  6. no

  7. nope

  8. No - it's good to have a female point of view - and I hope they learn about the male outlook on life.

    There will always be immature or incorrect information on a site like this - but there's valuable information too.

    So please stay with us girls!

  9. Hah I think women should be in the men's health and men should be in the women's health!  s*x questions can only be answered correctly and by popular vote (depending on your sexual preferences) by the opposite s*x.  Men knows things about women that women don't know, and women know things about men that men don't know.

  10. Nope!

  11. Yes how can a girl give accurate information about a p***s and nuts if they do not have them. I wouldn't even try and tell a chick that she should be circumsised cause it it nasty to have all that loose meat lips on thier vaginas and that i like my vaginas nice and neat looking


  12. Not at all, some girls know more about this stuff then the men do!! lol!!!! most men go into the womens section also, so its about even.

  13. nope it hopes to clear things up

  14. There are guys here giving immature and incorrect information sometimes too! I get a lot of emails from askers in this category telling me I helped them, so that's good.


  15. No, it doesn't bother me. How else can you find out anything if you don't seek out the information? I read and learn from the Women's Health section as well. As far as the answers go, I just take it with a grain of salt and try to weed the bad ones.

  16. No, I just ignore it if they are dumb.

    I post in the Women's Health category sometimes so I can't really complain.

  17. i get turned on knowing what turns you on about turning us on

  18. No offense to girls but I think guys would know more about mens health than girls would, unless they are a qualified doctor.


  19. Thats the only reason I come to this category. Like to see what you girls are curious about.

  20. no personally i like to see what u got to say about our questions

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