
Guys/Girls Clothing?

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a lot of emo/punk boys wear girls jeans so I was wondering if it would be weird if a girl wore a guys hoodie.

i made this set with girls jeans, guys hoodies, and band tees for anyone. do you think both boys and girls could wear this or not?




  1. No it wouldn't be weird at all if a girl wore a guys hoodie, i do it all the time. In my opinion any gender can wear whatever clothes they want, who cares?!

  2. umm...i think its okay but should be more for guys. i love the jeans tho :D

  3. they can both defintaly wear for girls if ur the kind of tomboy

  4. The stuff on the right is a little more "girl"-ish and the things on the left are a little more for guys. But I think that any of that could be pulled off for guys or girls.
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