
Guys How Would You...Please Answer Quickly!?

by Guest32377  |  earlier

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Like to be asked out? I'm thinking about asking this guy out that I really like but Im to shy. I really want to ask him but I know I'll blush and get a little flustered. Do guys think that's cute? I was also thinking of mabey having my friend tell him that I like him and would like to go out with him but I dunno. Help?!?!?!?!? I would also really like to ask him tomorrow.




  1. Do it yourself.

    If you have a friend say that a friend said you tend to not believe it and get nervous yourself.

    How would you like to hear the news.

  2. It is best that you tell him your self but yes we do like to be asked out to. Sometimes we are the shy ones. And it is cute to blush but dont act scared.

  3. ashley listen !! us guys are always in the same situation , why dont you try and get chatting with him , create this imaginary situation where you are trying to find out what people are like , ask him about who he likes , and then after a while , ask him this .."what kinda person do you think I am like !! ........ if he answers you , you will get the clue your looking for , if he hesitates , just say .its ok  I'm gonna ask other people 2 , so you dont need to be worried ........ then look at the centre color of his  eyes ok! .if they get bigger , your in business ........but if they dont change might need to write this dude a letter ;) ....good luck  

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