
Guys!!! I just lost my last job!?

by  |  earlier

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at the trail riding place, coz i have this mono/glandular fever thing, i couldn't go because i was laying in bed on the laptop all day dosed up on every pill know to mankind. I rang them to let them know, that I wouldn't be able to lead the trail rides for probably the next few days, and they said that's fine just get better. Then my boss calls tonight and says I'm sorry but we'll have to let you go, we can't afford to have people just not turn up., BUT I DIDN"T I SPOKE TO THEM. i've never had a sick day ever...argh, i'm so upset and this is the last thing i needed. what should i do...?




  1. That sucks!!!! I have been layed off befor for being sick...... I was pissed! Like you like to be sick or something! LOL

  2. go to the doc and get a docs note and then go to your job and show it to your boss so she know's your not lying

  3. i feel sorry for you.. Try apologizing to your boss. But my real option will be quit that job and find other. Because maybe if he agrees to join you..who knows even in future the same may happen. Leave those who dont remember your works.

  4. If he let you go, that is their problem.  Look for another job.  Don't waste your time trying to figure out why he let you go.  Move on to "better pastures"

  5. One would think a person with an IQ of 135 could figure this out on their own.

    When I had mono 3 years ago, my fever shot up to 101 in a matter of a couple of hours.  In the 15 minute drive from my office to the doctors, it was 103.  I was babbling like an idiot and walking into walls.  They called my emergency contacts and took my car keys so I wouldn't try to drive home.

    I say that to ask this.  Are you certain you spoke with the boss?  Absolutely certain?  Is it possible you spoke with someone else?  That first day, when I was the sickest, I could not have made a coherent phone call.  I was lucky not to pee myself.

    Go see your boss.  Tell him you DID call and spoke with someone you thought was him.  Repeat the details of your conversation.  Could another person have missed that day as well, and he mistook you for her?

    Otherwise, unless the boss is a complete psycho, there's more to this story than is being told.  Sane, rational people simply do not treat good employees this way.

  6. I think that right now you should not worry about any of this and just concentrate on getting better. Once you are well enough to actually work, show up and argue your case. You'll be able to accomplish more if you are there in person..and well enough to sound nicely sane and look like you can do the job. If he won't hire you back, then go job hunting. But it's not doing you any good to worry about this now at all. Worry about the shape horse butts are in instead.

  7. hmm... maybe you could call your boss and say "hi. i was wondering why i got fired when i called in earlier to tell you i wasnt skipping, i was sick with mono."

    and if he doesnt take you back, s***w him, he's uncaring and stupid. try to get a new job with horses. im sorry you lost this one

  8. it happens.  make sure you get your boss next time

  9. I'd speak to them explain, if they still don't give your job back, get a doctors note and get them done for unfair dismissal

  10. That sucks.

    Like being ill isn't bad enough.

    I guess you told him that you did call in and it made no difference ?

    It sounds like unfair dismissal but I don't know how you handle things like that - are you a Union member ? If you are then you should get on the phone to your Rep but if not then I'm sorry - I have no idea.

  11. don't sweat it, yes, it's big, but just put an add in the newspaper that you need a job, if they fired you for no reason, than surely you can find a different job.

  12. Go and speak to them face to face. Tell them why you wernt in and say it because you were ill. Not because you couldnt be bothered to go in. Hopefully they will understand. If they dont you might just have to settle for another job somewhere else? Hope that helps, good luck x

  13. Try calling him when you are better to explain what was going on. He might realize that it was just a misunderstanding on his part. Ask if you can come back since you are better. Make sure to stay calm, cool, and collected- he probably doesn't want to hire someone who is angry and seems mean. Good luck! <3

  14. Don't lose heart!  Decades ago I worked for one of the largest rental strings in California.  My boss would hire me when all the men turned out to either leave or get drunk except the ranch foreman.  Then he'd get new workers in and fire me again.  Sometimes it would be calls at 6:30 in the morning and I'd get up, get dressed and get picked up.  This went on for well over a year.  

    Twenty years later, we all would laugh about it.  40 years later, my old boss gone, the ranch changing hands, my bestfriend for my birthday, took me for one last ride on the old trail I'd known by heart all those years ago.  We were laughing about the fact that we both had our own horses (Mine were 333 miles southeast of the ranch I'd grown up on.) and what were we doing?  We were sittin' on a couple of rental horses going down a now homogenized trail that didn't seem like the one I'd ridden all those years ago.

    I still stay in contact with Earl's daughter.  We laugh about the old days.  She has a big 3' by 3' painting I'd done of her dad to replace one that had burned with the ranch house (I'd done the original in High School.) back in the late 70's.

    The squawbles you have now seem tramatic, but trust me, you'll look back and remember the good times.  Come to think if it, maybe I'll send Char (Earl's daughter) the link to this answer!

  15. if you didn't talk to your boss when you called then i'd find a way to get ahold of him. the least you can do is explain so perhaps there's no hard feelings. if you explain, and not plead, he might reconsider. if not, he might have wanted to fire you for awhile, and needed a stupid reason to do it. if that's the case he just sounds like ***. i'm sorry you lost it, some employers can be stubborn to the point of becoming an idiot. good luck on finding a new one, though!

  16. Well maybe you could go to your boss and explain that you were sick just once, and that you apologize for not coming, because lets be honest, you could not ride a horse very well if you are sick. And then ask for your job back.

    Did your boss know that you called? Because it didn't sound like he/she heard that you called. Talk to the person that you called and have them talk to your boss, because that is not fair and you deserve better.

    There are plenty of other trail places for you to work at as well.

  17. Well if there's any chance of getting your job back, call your boss and talk to him/her. If it wasnt your boss that you spoke to, to tell them you wouldn't be able to make it in, then maybe that's something you need to explain (or be careful next time).

    Other than that, there's not much you can do but move on and find another job sorry :(

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