
Guys I would appreciate your help???

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what does a guy mean when he says this.... just give me some me time because i'm not myself. i am off tomorrow and i need to find my self. fair?




  1. he want some poonana. if u don't like that go here and meet some new guys

  2. he is not sure weath he is doing the right thing he might be thinking about dumping you and haveing secind thughs or maby there is some on else in his life and he cares about and her so he need 2 make a choice  

  3. i am a L*****n.

  4. lol. It sounds like 'himself' is almost a physical thing.

    To be honest that sounds like something a deep person would say.

    Think about why on earth he would say such a thing. If there is no reason why he should/would then maybe you should ask him whether he has faith in your relationship

  5. He's either in a messed up mindstate or he's tryin' to blow you off.

  6. he wants to break up with the girl

  7. hes either lying or he needs to get over something

  8. hes extremely pissed off and he shold be fine  

  9. That means that he needs some time 2 himself.

    Don't worry

  10. When a guy says something like that it means you have been pushing for an answer to hard(or bad timing) and instead of getting mad and saying something that would come back to bite him in the *** later. So he just wants time to figure out what he wants to say without it exploding in his face.

    If he does it repeatedly over the same question you should be worried. It probably means you won't like the answer.

  11. if you guys have been spending alot tf time together, he might just want a day where he can relax.  

    the other side could be:  that he has a date with another girl and wants to make sure your not just gonna pop in at a bad time during the day.

    but dont just jump on the second choice, he may just be having a bad few days at work or school and needs a day to recoupe.

    give him the day.

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