
Guys. If you could have half of Trumps money but also had to LOOK like him in order to obtain that money?

by  |  earlier

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would you?




  1. UMMMM.....YES!  Look at him... he's rich as heck and isn't good looking, but has a hot wife still.  Looks aren't what makes a man... there is more to it than that.  I would definetly take that swap.  I could have fun with all that money by myself plus if I had that much I could buy top notch escorts ;)  Sign me up!!!

  2. h**l no. I'm a chick. That would be terrible. Austin, nice answer.

  3. Nope, money does not give you happiness,

    my good looks do :)

  4. if you're saying money doesn't give you happiness.

    then where the heck are you shopping?!

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