
Guys: If you had the perfect chance to cheat would you?

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Say you've got a girlfriend, you've been dating for a little over 4 months. BUT your parents are kicking you out so you're moving in with a friend... who is a girl, In her parents house in the basement. Even though you told your gf that you have never cheated and never will, would you still?

I know this is going to be a problem between my boyfriend and I and I'm racking my brain for a solution, I don't want to break up, I want this to last, but I can't handle being hurt.




  1. He probably won't cheat on you now but when you guys fight and he's looking for some love... it's right there in front of him every night.  

  2. In all honesty, nope. I mean think about it from my point of view. My girlfriend has given me MORE LOVE than this friend has could possibly give to make up for that. I would be daft to give myself to another girl other than my only woman who truly deserves it.

  3. of course not! i would never cheat on my girl, no matter what. not all guys are cheaters. so show a little trust. believe he is a good man and will respect you.

  4. i want to eat my own ****, now answer my god d**n question!!!!

  5. I wouldn't, but if i was interested in doing my friend, then I'd ask you if it would be okay.  

  6. I hope not but it may happen in a situation like this one.

  7. Yes, they would.

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