
Guys...Is it really important if a girl has big b***s ?

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My friend wants to get implants and i think she shouldnt so i want to ask guys if it really matters what size your chest is...if your pretty does it really matter?




  1. If I was a guy, I wouldn't want to grab a plastic boob.

  2. haha well.. i'm not a guy...

    but my ex once told me,

    "all you need is a handful.... any more then that is just a waste."


  3. No...... a pretty face & smile + shapely legs are much more attractive than big b***s.

  4. god i hope not :(. i'm really flat! lmao.

  5. Not really.

    Not for me anyways.

    I prefer girls who aren't p**n-star hot, you know.

    I don't want a relation for s*x, I just want a girl who I can relate to and enjoy being around.

    That's all.

    The problem with that though is that I'm more ugly than Micheal Jackson's libido, but we won't go there.

    Well, ****... as much as I love titties, fake ones are kind of a turn off.

    I mean, you can't stare at them and think "Wow! b***s!"

    You kinda have to go, "Wow, that's mostly plastic in there."

    Besides, if she had a baby and she wanted to breast-feed it, it's have milk with plastic in it.

    That's not right.

    No, no, no implants.

    Besides, it gets amazingly obvious when you get them.

    Who are you trying to fool? When people see her, they're going to know automatically that she had implants. And then they get judgmental.

    They think "what a s**t" and c**p like that.

    Natural all the way.

    And no, for me and plenty of us, big b***s aren't important.

  6. The face is the most important aspect. If you're pretty already it doesnt really matter. Besides really big b***s make you look trashy often times.  

  7. Doesn't matter to me, but the important thing is why does SHE want them?  If its to boost her self esteem, I don't see anything wrong with it - as long as she doesn't go overboard with them!

  8. LOL, if she puts out then it doesn't matter at all!


    Seriously, no, it doesn't matter... it's nice, but that's not the only thing we look for in a girl.

  9. I'm a girl and i barely have b***s.

    and i love it haha.

  10. boob size is of the utmost importance, bigger is definitely better, and if her b***s are too small, a relationship is not happening. If your friend wnats to get breast implants, let her. Its her decision

  11. I'm a girl but all my guy friend say that girls was big b***s are gross.


  12. i like fun bags better to have them then not, i want a girl not a surf board.If it's going to give her more self confidence then she should do it. Nothing wrong with implants. cheers mate

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