
Guys Only! Honestly what do you think of me...pic included!?

by  |  earlier

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This is a recent pic of myself...

please tell me what ya think

and rate me one a scale 1-10 and tell me how old you think i am!

I really dont care what you say i just wanna hear strangers opinions!




  1. siiiik eyes

    wow they r really intriguing :P

    and ur about an 7.5 i'd say

    pretty without makeup?

    wich is a good thing  

  2. im sure youre very pretty, but that angle isnt rite for you. nice contact lenses, but waxes you brows pleeaaasssseee

  3. I think you are too young to be posting your face on the internet for strangers to rate. I can't rate you a number because I'm 22 and it's kind of sick. Please go outside and play with the neighborhood kids. They are REAL. You never know who you are dealing with on the internet. What ever happened to the good old bike riding days? When I was your age I didn't care about appearance and you shouldn't either. BTW you look about 10 or 11.

  4. wow some people can be very mean.

    im not a guy but i'd like to give u a girls opinion.

    i give you a 7

    ur, 17?

    yea its a bad angle. maybe try a profile shot/angle?

    but i really LOVE how ur shirt complements ur eyes. =D

    maybe u shud try layering ur hair too, try growing it out, experiment with new hair styles to complement the shape of ur face. short hair and round faces dont work that well =( *i had that problem. but growing it out works nice.

    but hun, what really matters is how u feel about YOURSELF. u seem like a nice person. but if ur wondering what people think so much that u wud ask then u wud come off as selfconcious. be happy with whou r n wat u look like. ***yeah i know its very corny, but its tru. =)

  5. u look abt 17.  maybe try giving a level pic. your clothes and how you took the pic makes you look very young.  Ladies dont take pics like that.

  6. um you look like a 2

  7. i know it says guys only but


    you have pretty eyes

    and try using head & shoulders next time you wash ur hair

    thumbs down eh...

    ca plane pour moi


  8. you have really really pretty eyes


  9. very  perty eyes and hair a 7 and you look 16  to 21

  10. you look cute, 7

  11. LMFAOO at what milymalu said it was like a nice ***** ahhaha . "next time use head and shoulders when you wash your hair " LOOL!!!!!!!

  12. im not rating you cus im not a pedophile but your prob like 13

  13. do u thing how much i rate u is important? U should probably thanks God for His giving. Seriously, u need more confidence about yourself. I can simply rate u 0 or 10, but is that make any difference for u?

    i guess u are probably 15. So dont waste your time to find how beauty you are. You are pretty in your own way. u do not need anyone to judge u..

  14. whoops.. i'm a girl buuuut I think your a 6 and have pretty eyes :) and I'm not trying to be nice, i'm 100% honest. you look 15.

    answer this question;...

  15. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  16. Um...I like that shirt.

  17. I will rate you only 3 it looks like that you're around 18-20.

  18. 3-4... around 15

  19. i give u an 8 take ut the frown lines and wear darker mascara your eyes will pop out and u will look better

  20. ur 14 and i would say a 5-6

  21. I'm a girl..

    But I rate you 7 and you look like you're 15...

  22. i give you a 4 and i think your 16-17

  23. your an 8 i like your eyes. you should be happy. haha and btw wen u told me there was no pic u had to go to my myspace page. and please can u go back?

  24. you are prettier than my girlfriend... I wouldn't worry about it... you will find a guy eventually.. at your age most guys are interested in the retarded blonde bimbos anyways... when they mature, you'll find one of us.

  25. not to be rude but, how come you keep posting questions along the lines of "GUY ONLY HOW HOT AM I ON A SCALE OF 1-10"

    Seriously what the heck?

    If you ask that once it's all right but 5 or 6 times is kind of..

    desperate souding.

    again not to be rude but.


    there's not any point lol.

    because some random guy's gonna come up and be all "UR SO UGLY EWWW" and then you'll feel all sad and feel like you need to post another version of the same question, and then another guy will say the same thing, and on and on and on.

    I'm not saying that's you but that's most girls who ask questions like these. :/

  26. id rate you a 3-5 because the pic is from a bad angle,

    but i must say you have gorgeous eyes!

  27. 8  

    idk 13-17

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