
Guys!!! Open my question. [:?

by Guest32706  |  earlier

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Kay, 1. I was thinking of piercing my nose...myself. 2. What kind of needle do I need. 3. How do you numb your nose. 4. Is this even safe?




  1. If you do it yourself you'll be needing a cannulla needle [14/16g], autoclaved jewellery and sterile gloves.

    Don't numb your nose. Not very good for healing. Ice at the most? But numbing doesn't do much anyway.

    Not at all safe if things aren't sterile.

    I don't condemn self-piercing as long as its done with proper equipment, as sterile as it can possibly be, and people have done their research. Which I can kinda tell you haven't.

    Get it done by a pro. Hurts an awful lot less that way. And by the time you buy everything, its normally cheaper too.

  2. ouch!! ive tried & failed, it hurt. your best off having it done by a proffessional (:

  3. Negative!  Don't pierce UR nose EVA!

  4. don't do it with your self..first it will hurt and may be donw wrongly and look awful..second you may infect your self with virus or something..

    go to a professional..

    good luck

  5. get it done by a profession, it has a much less chance of getting infected.

  6. Go and get it done its probably cheaper when I got it done it was 15$ + the ear ring was free

  7. Don't pierce your nose yourself. It can lead to an infection if not done properly. If you go to a jewelers they usually can do this for a reasonable price.

  8. go somewhere to get it done, if you don't it could get infected and it won't be good.

  9. No, this is definitely unsafe! Go get it done professionally :) x

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