
Guys: What do you look for in a girl?

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Personality and outside.




  1. Outside well I don't care much really. I would rather them to be cute but it doesn't matter :) I really want a girl who is nice, smart, caring, funny and able to carry on a long conversation.

  2. well outside there is pretty face, eyes, hair, some people look for height but I personally don't care. I hate to say it but most guys really do care about b*****s. Another thing a lot of guys like is confidence. On the inside and out. Some guys don't but a lot do.

    ok, on the inside. Funny, not insecure, some guys like preppy girls and some like just like average. Not many like emo girls unless they r emo themselves. ok im blanking right now cuz im really tired so i hope i helped with what i wrote already

  3. This has been asked a thousand times before...but I will answer anyways.

    As I have stated before in similar questions, Us guys will like a girl who acts like herself around us. Be honest with yourself and it's easier to be honest with us, and we'll be honest with you. If you pretend to be someone you're not, the relationship will be based on you being someone who you aren't, which is never a good thing.

    So my advice is to just notice the guy, talk to him and make him feel comfortable with being around you. Don't play hard to get or anything we actually hate that, makes us feel horrible and confuses the heck out of us.

  4. i usually look in a girls purse then run away

  5. Eyes and lips that can stun me for the first impression, and anything else after that is personality and trustworthiness.

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