
Guys: What do you think?

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When you see a girl?

I've seen many questions like this, but the responses are quite debatable. I mean, some responses might say, she needs nice hair, nice body, etc. But do you actually go up? Or do you think shes way out of your league?

What makes the girl approachable TO YOU? Where you're not insecure about anything and you'll just walk up and have a conversation?

If you have pictures of who you think might be approachable, link please!

Is she decent? Or does that girl always has to be hot to be approachable?




  1. The main thing people (girls especially) don't understand is that every guy looks for a different thing.

    One thing most guys do have in common is if the girl looks presentable, but not overdone. Some guys will like it when you go overboard with the eye liner, some guys are all about the natural beauty of a woman.

    The biggest question, is what kind of guys do you want to attract?

  2. tzeeb...

    not all girlz care aout emotions...i hate when guys get all touchy feely emotional w/ me

  3. I get to know people before deciding if they are someone I would like to have a relationship with. So if she is nice then I will go up to her and talk.  

  4. When I see a girl two things come to mind. First I notice something about her physical appearance. Then I think to myself "No sense in trying anything, she is probably a stupid ditz".

    I am jaded, what can I say? Besides, my second observation is true 95% of the time. The problem is that men don't demand smarts from women, so women don't try to be smart, just pretty.

  5. guys want looks and girls want emotions.  thats a fact that will never change.  but what i look for is a pretty smile and a woman that takes care of her looks, she doesnt have to be totally hot but it is hard for a shy guy to approach a woman no matter what she looks like. we dont want to be rejected so most likely we wont approach a "HOT" woman.  it is ok for a woman to make the first move so bring it on and you might find a nice guy waiting to make you happy.

  6. I think "at least she's leeching some other dude's bank account and patience."

    Ignore hot girls! Being objectively attractive doesn't earn the right to special treatment.

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