
Guys: What makes you like a girl?

by  |  earlier

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  1. well if they like my kind of music then it makes me like her




    thats histarical,

    im not a guy,

    so i really can't help you


    but i have soft elbowwssss


  3. INNOCENCE, PURITY and just all round CUTENESS to die for!!!!

    answer mine?

  4. well they have to be intelligent, honest, caring women before tey even meet my son.  then they have to show that they care a lil about my kid before i make up my mind if i like them or not.  

  5. I hate Bi***y girls and I like girls who are nice, sweet, and don't really care about their physical wellbeing and when i say that i dont mean fat and ugly i mean like they dont put heaps of makeup on.

    Answer mine please its relevant;...

  6. Funny, they dont try to act like other people (they act like themselves), friendly, they actually care about people other than themselves.

  7. If shes very out going. Or she funny and laughs a lot!!!

  8. Someone who I can have a conversation with for more than 5 minutes and not feel like i have to explain everything.  Someone who is funny and out going, strong willed, yet willing to let me pick them up and save them if needed.  Idk, you know when you see it.

  9. other then physical features hehe....well a nice girl that doesn't moan and complain, a girl who shares similar interests with me, a girl who wants to have s*x instead of waiting, a girl who doesn't wear peace signs all the time (those are getting really annoying!), the girl should be caring, kind, compassionate, friendly, easy to talk to, happy, Gothic, and that sums it up  

  10. If she's intelligent. Intelligence is a major turn-on. I also love shy and sweet girls.

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