
Guys advice needed!Oh man i was doing so good but i messed everything up!?

by Guest34494  |  earlier

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My ex broke up with me 2 weeks ago for no apparent reason and i was going crazy trying to figure out why.I tried asking him the night he broke up with me and he just said "its not right no more" which i couldnt believe because everything was going fine.Anyways i fought the temptation to call him for 2 whole weeks (figuring he would at least call to see how i am) but today i couldnt take it and i called him i know i made a mistake and yea anyways he didnt even answer my call and i sent him a mssg asking if we could at least talk about why hes mad at me.he wouldnt even answer me. just to give a little history we have been on and off for 3 years but he never broke it off with me until now. So anyways is it possible to get him to want me back? what should i do did i ruin everything? oh yea to make it even more confusing he told me he wants to have a baby when we are 23 lol it sounds stupid why he said that age but thats when hes moving out of his house because hes middle eastern anyways he said that about 2 months ago we r both 19 right now.. uhh idk im just so confused on what to do help pls




  1. Well see this obviously has to do with something going on in his head, not with anything youve done. If he didnt give you a reason, im sorry hun, but someone else probably has his attention. However, calling him and seeming needy will just empower him to move further away. If he really wants to be with you, after a little while you'll hear the phone ring. until then go out with your girlfriends, or find another guy. Or eat mad food, that helps me when Im sad

  2. if he doesent like you dont hang yourself up on him

  3. it sounds like it over. cant think off anything to do to get him back.

    answer mine plz

  4. the reason is is not answering your phone calls is because he don't want to explain why he broke up with you. The first mistake you can make is keep calling him, that makes his eagle bigger. Just stop calling him for a while. he sounds young. like he don't like to just be with one person for long.  

  5. Wow, your eyes are very tempting.... Too bad your not into white dudes....

    I don't know what is up with your boyfriend. But you said he is middle eastern right? Could it be something religious? Maybe something he heard about when you were off and on? Couldn't be your looks cause they are on fire! But you should probably send him another message and say something like " It's not cool to play with someones feelings" and ask again for an explanation. No one can truly know why until this dude explains it.

    Sorry,  I can't understand why either.

    BTW do you have sister say around 20?

  6. hey your young go out in find you another man to let you know i hate seeing girl's hurt like that. just hang in there if he's love's you he'll be back in your arms okay but if you need some one to talk to here's my e-mail just hang in there

  7. Maybe he is just bored. I was in a relationship for 3 years and one day I just decided I couldn't deal with he anymore. Guys are very simple, unlike girls. As far as you calling him, it is not gonna help you get over him if you keep calling and with you trying so much to get back he can probably get you do whatever he wants if he tried. Move on, be single, have fun. When I first got out of my 3 year relationship when I was 20 I was devastated I didnt know what to do. Hang out with you're friends. You'll enjoy your freedom soon.

  8. forget him he doesn't want you ok. it all adds up that he has found someone else; someone new and improved.

    your a nice young lady any man would want want you; you can get any man you want ok.

    he's losing out big time on you. he's not worth the worrying and fretting, your bigger than that. it's a part of life so move on.

    go out with your friends, enjoy yourself. don't stay home all locked up and down crying. go out do fun things and forget him.

    i wish you all the best and keep sweet hon.

  9. Time to play he who cares the least,  dont call him, dont text him, dont talk to him, let him see you with other guys, then if it's meant to be, he'll realize what hes missing, if not, there's other men to date.

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