Question: I being NORMAL? ?

by Guest57992  |  earlier

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Why do I not feel like dating? I went out with this girl for 2.5 years, then I broke up with her. I haven't dated in about 1 year. I'm good looking, intelligent, want to be doctor, ect. I know I could get a girlfriend...(there are two girls right now that are interested in me) but I just...kinda don't feel like dating any girls right now. When I was a freshman in high school, I told myself I wasn't going to date anyone for atleast 2 years. And sure enough, I didn't date anyone until the 2nd half of my junior year on high school. something wrong with me? I mean...I am attracted to girls, ...I'm not g*y. I just feel kind of indifferent and apathetic toward dating right now. What should I do? Am I just being lazy? Is this normal? I will be 21 in november.




  1. i think thats perfectly normal. i know ive had those times too. as long as it doesnt last forever, your good!  

  2. nope i am like you now

    i dated my ex and we were in love and didn't work out.

    Sometimes people feel happy being single

  3. Your just a goals oriented person and on your list of goals right do not include a having a girlfriend. They are all consuming and you dont want to devote the time to one now

  4. Get on that man, you'll probably regret it if you don't!

    I think its about connect with people, more than anything else.. thats the important thing

  5. some ppl are just happier being single. there is no pressure or need to date. you have time. when the right girl comes, dont worry, you'll be passionate toward dating again.

  6. You're normal. You just don't feel like dating.

    And you shouldn't force yourself to date people if you know you're not really interested.

    Take some time off of dating to focus on school.


  7. Weird, I'm in a similar situation. I'm 18 and I've never been in a relationship. I feel indifferent to being in one as of now, too. At times, doesn't it feel as if you're losing your independence? It takes too much effort (whether useless or not) to be with someone at times. Perhaps you're more set on your career than settling down. I don't see anything wrong with that.

  8. i would just take a break and wait for the right girl to come along... ul know when she comes. and have fun in ur studies btw it wouldnt b fair to girls that ur dating if u are'nt really into the relationship

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