
Guys and everyone else? Do you think red eyes are okay? *Pictures*?

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Okay. So what would you think of a girl that had pure white regular eyes during the day, but at night, the girl's whites of the eyes would turn red? But she is really pretty all the same. The only problem is that at about 8pm on, her eyes turn red...

Would you go out with her?

Would you think her attractive?

Would you care?

Would it be kinda creepy?'

What are your thoughts of a girl with red instead of white eyes?

by the way, the doctor said that there is nothing wrong with my eyes.... But I don't know... It's kinda wierd....

okay. so imagine this but redder:

And this is a close up of my eye...:

Thanks to everyone who answers!

By the way, yes. That is me. But it's not that late yet. So my eyes haven't reached full redness.....




  1.   wats the big deal? who really cares if her eyes get red? Do you like her? If you do then whatever. Jusyt because her eyes get red isn't a reason not to be with her. Now say what you wrote outloud, and you'll realize just how shallow it sounds.    


  2. that, my friend is FUXKING STELLAR


    dude, i wish that happened to me, i'd be like, RAWR ._____.

    and watch everyone run screaming.


  3. Would look like something was wrong with the eyes... Ever hear of "pink eye"? Not attractive.  

  4. Your eyes are turning red because of the phases of the moon. It is close to full moon. Do you howl at midnight? Some people do (kidding). A lot of wierd things happen to people during a full moon  A lot of babies that are due around that time are born on a full moon night.  

  5. That's Wicked.

    Go on medication.

  6. Thats very grim and necro, If I didn't already have a wife, I would date you.

  7. I can't see how that could be a problem.Some people are so caught up on (really,really) mindless details that they find it impossible to enjoy beauty anywhere in this world-I would blame magazine illustrations(freaking photoshop)partly,at least.

    To be honest I needed to see the close-up photo to notice anything...noticeable about the inner of your eyes:P

    And I'm sure there are lots of people into gothic aesthetics that would love that,like the guy who listens to Drudkh(cheers!)

  8. thats not weird my boyfriend has that because sometimes hes tired or stressed about if we had a fight or something and hes eyes stay red for a couple a days then go back to normal the redness will dissapear overtime and dont worry ur growing if it doesnt change go see a doctor i dont mean ti sound rude..........hope this helps<3

  9. I think your eyes look fine and if a guy has a problem with it you don't need him anyway!!


  10. woah for a second i thought you meant like the color of your eyes were white/red instead of brown o_O i got scared hah.

    you're pretty (: maybe ask a doc for something to fix that though

  11. I think red eyes would look cool 'IF U WEREN"T A HUMAN BEING"

    He! He! He!

    I know that this answer is dumb!!!!!

  12. sorry,i can't get past how pretty you are.

  13. Thats frickin awesome.

  14. OH! youre NOT a warewolf? just kidding. (youre really pretty)

    red eyes might freak me out a little

  15. I assume what your trying to say is that as it gets later in the day, your eyes become bloodshot/red? If that's the case, it wouldn't make me think anything different of the person in question. You have to understand that everyone is different and we all have our quirks. And remember that things could always be worse. It's obvious you're somewhat self conscious about your eyes, but you shouldn't worry about it too much. Most people wont get "creeped out" or anything like that. Just because your eyes get irritated late in the day.

    If your still feeling bad about your eyes you could visit an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) and see if there is some kind of drop he could prescribe.

    My main point is, don't worry about your eyes. People will like you for you and not your appearance.  

  16. search something to make it normal

    maybe kids are gonna get freaked out

  17. maybe go to a doctor that specializes in that kinda thing and can give you eye drops

    uhhh maybe you need more sleep? that could also be a possibility

  18. you are really hot.

    in my opinion

    id ask you out on date.

    please rate me!

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