
Guys (and girls): girls without makeup?? please help!?

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so i just bought an apartment with my boyfriend of 2 years and everything's great, never been happier. the only thing is i'm really afraid to be around him without makeup on and i don't know why. actually, i'm afraid to be around almost everyone without makeup! only my family and super close friends have seen me that way and i know i shouldn't be this self-concious because a few days ago he asked if i always wore makeup to bed and i just chuckled sortof. should i be this paranoid? i'm mainly self concious about the fact that i have zits on my forehead from stress and everything and i don't like the way my eyes look without makeup. what do you think?

any suggestions? it's mainly just frustrating because i think my boyfriend feels bad about the situation and i'm just wanting to always look good for him. so?? thanks in advance!!!




  1. actually alto of guys think girls look prettier with out make up,at least i do. and I'm sure if you to love each other wearing make up or not shouldn't matter. i hope i gave u good advice

  2. My bf of 6 months has seen me w/o makeup.  I figured he'd better get used to it early.  Don't worry about it so much.  If he loves you, he won't think anything of it.  If I breakout, I just crack a joke about how I'm becoming a teenager again.  It'll be ok.  Just tell him that you're self-conscious about it.  He'll be willing to listen.

  3. cant see anything but get over it, he didnt fall in love with u for ur mascara

  4. He has never seen you without make up in over two years? Girl he loves you for who you are!!

    As for the pictures: scrub, and don't put too much make up on, it will only make it worse!!

  5. Your links don't work, but that doesn't matter. You guys have been together for two years, I am 100% sure that he couldn't care less if you wear make-up or not. I have been with my bf for 9 months. At first, I always wanted to look s**y. I always wore matching panties and bras and made sure I never wore the same clothes twice. After awhile I realized that we loved each other and it doesn't matter. He had seen me with sweats, no make-up,etc.  

  6. I can't see the links either, but it really doesn't matter. Any guy who wouldn't love you as much (or more) without makeup on isn't worth your time, let alone worth sharing a home with.

    Honestly, I was the same way before I moved in with my now, husband (we lived together over a year before we were married). I was paranoid about zits and nervous about being seen without eye makeup because hardly anyone ever saw me without it and it was like I was bracing myself for a "so THAT's what you really look like?" reaction. But I forced myself to accept the fact that someone you're sharing a home with is going to see you un-made-up, and if the relationship was worth it in the first place then they are going to love you either way. Now there's been bunches of times where I feel makeup..ridiculous hair.. and he just looks at me and tells me how pretty I am...because he's probably looking at something I'm not even thinking how awesome of a cook I am..or how great I am with the dog..and THAT is beautiful to him.

    And the strange thing is... the less I obsess over imperfections in my skin, the better my skin looks. The more I tell myself "whatever-- this is me!" the clearer my skin is, the brighter my face looks. no lie!!

    please just ACCEPT yourself as being amazing.. it will work wonders for all kinds of things in your life... your skin, your relationships. Although I admittedly still struggle with it myself, the more I decide to accept myself, the more its the best decision I ever made. :)

  7. there is no difference so why do you care?

  8. yeaa, when i used to go to my friends houses for sleepovers, i would sleep with my make-up still on and wake up earliar than everyone was off the make-up and then put on for that day. they would always ask me if i wore make-up 24/7 and never took it off. i just told them that i hated when people saw me without make-up. once i started taking it off around my friends it was okay. if your boyfriend really likes you, he shouldn't care what you look like without make-up, he just see you still as beautiful. if he doesn't then he's a real a*****e and you deserve better. i mean i just say go for personality, because looks aren't always everything.

    i hope this helps! (:

  9. links don't work but I think if you both are in love, he will accept you for who you are.

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