
Guys and girls i need ur help?

by  |  earlier

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ok there is this guy at my school and i really like him but i am to scared to talk to him and i don't know if he likes me but i really really like him

plz help





  1. there is no easy way to say this but, you need to come out of your shell and be less shy! there isno way he can like you if he doesnt kno you and there is no way you can really like him if youdnt know him THIS MEANS YOUEED TO TALK TO HIM, if that doesnt work youcann always write him a note, youdont even have to sign it, or facebook message him etc

  2. If you are too scared to talk to him, catch his eye a few times, and smile.  That will show you are a friendly person, and then after a few days "accidentally" forget something and ask him about it.

    Answer mine please?;...

  3. ok if you never talked 2 the guy then how do u know if u really like him???

    if  you really want him to notice u then just go up to him and ask a  question like "hey do i know you?" or "r u in my english class cuz i need to kno if we have a test today" it may be hard  2 talk to him but its worth it!!!!

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