
Guys and girls opionion?

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Who thinks that a woman's place is in the kitchen. I do!!!




  1. I guess you only believe in short term relationships than?

    ahh I just fell for a troll trap? waste of ink owell...


    After some consideration I would say no keep women out of the kitchen for the love of all that is edible!..

    Srry but most of my female relatives(mom,sister,cousins,aunts but oddly not my grandmothers)

    couldn't cook to save there lives. I am not a great cook by any stretch of the imagination but I prefer my cooking over there's any day of the week. And a few gf's that couldn't cook...

    The question should be raised if women's place is in the kitchen why are all the top chef's male?

  2. your a male pig.

    so fry THAT up yourself.

  3. why would you ask guys and girls about a woman's place?  try asking women.

    is the only woman in your life that's in your kitchen - your mommy?

  4. I do too... so long as the man's "bringing home the bacon."

  5. Just go back to your cave.

  6. well your an ***hole

  7. The only men that believe that also believe that others should clean up their messes for them.

    The ability to clean up our messes is what separates us from the animals. Are you an animal?

  8. you're a d **k

  9. I'm in the kitchen all the time tasting the delicious food that two men who have done all my cooking for ten years now are conjuring.  Yum.  They are awesome culinary artists.  I hire a domestic for the housekeeping.  I do can the salmon and tuna I catch every so often, though.  And, I bake four loaves of bread every morning mostly for my wild birds I hand feed off my deck, mostly to just crack open and bury my face deeply into the hot aromatically intoxicating stupifying steamy bread like a facial mask every morning. There's a microscope, too, in the kitchen attached to a computer that keeps me in the kitchen a lot with one of my hobbies.  Basically, if it smells good in the kitchen, I tend to hang out there.  If nothing's cooking, why be in there?

  10. I think your attitude is fairly rare nowadays.  Most men expect women to go out to work and earn a living as well as shouldering all the domestic responsibilities.

    However, there are still some women about who would rather be in the kitchen than stuck in some dreary office all day long, and I hope you will find one.  There's not many of them about though.

  11. Ummm... Pat A, you belong in the kitchen cooking a meal for every woman in the world for that statement.  Why should a womans place be in the kitchen???  Did you grow up with your mommie making you pbjs?

    I would gladly see your life in perspective after 40 years... I'd love to see if you get married, and how you treat your wife.  I would feel sorry for her, because of your current ignorance.  Yes, I am saying ignorance... you know that women can be much more than a "housewife" or "kitchen attendant", you choose to ignore the fact that women are probably better than you are.

    My answer to your question, is I do not.  If you handn't figured it out until you read the last sentance, I really feel sorry for your intelligence.

  12. So you'd like my opinion?

    Well then I think that the only why I'd give you my d**n opinion is face to face so I can throw in something to hint at how strongly I believe in it.

    But that wont happen now will it? Because your to much of a coward yourself, sadly you call yourself a man, and can't actually make this statement to a group of people in person.

    What could you not handle what would come your way?

    Have fun living your fearful life of delusion while the 'REAL' mean are out there getting some where in life.

  13. No. I think it's hot when a man and a woman are making dinner in the kitchen together, and get a little feisty afterwards if you know what I'm saying.....

  14. Can it also be in the bedroom, the living room, the bathroom, the dining room, the office, the attic, the basement, the spare bedroom or the garage? I hate being tied down to one room.

  15. they do and im sure every woman on here is gonna ***** and moan because of your question.

  16. It has to be a brand new kitchen with all the latest mod cons.

  17. Well in my opinion their place is not in the kitchen..It's the whole house!!I My family has been the same for generations,It has always been the mans job to work and make money and it is the woman's job to cook,clean,take care of kids,etc...It might sound a little old fashioned but that is the way I think it should be because it is the way I was raised!

  18. You can believe anything you like.  I'm sure you'll find some airhead who'll be happy to accommodate you, but more likely you'll fall for a strong, opinionated, beautiful woman who won't.

    Good luck with that.

  19. get a life asswad

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