
Guys and girls..what are YOU insecure about with your body?

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I hate my height, I'm 5'8 both my brothers are over 6 foot so they make fun of me. lol misery loves company what are you insecure about




  1. My rear, my thighs and my stomach.  After a big meal, I can pass for being pregnant.  No offense to anyone.  I've been trying to work on my rear and thighs but the stomach area is a lost cause.  No matter how slim I get, the stomach area never seems to change.

  2. My belly coz these days i am kinda having junk so have to cut that .....hehehehhe

  3. a little.

    everyone is.  

  4. my height, my stomach, my thighs, and my arms

  5. huge, bright blue veins visible beneath my aereolas

    stretch marks on my hips

    even after I shave my legs the pores are visible

  6. My belly.

  7. My soft tummy (I'm working on it, but it seems nearly impossible to get a flat stomach!), my hips (too square), and my pale pale PALE skin!  Otherwise, I think I look okay.


  8. My hips cuz the edge of my body goes like straight down( on the body part) and then it just curves out cuz of my hips and my scrawny arms and ive been working out and they dont get bigger

  9. um...

    my hair....its so frizzy and curly....i hate it!

  10. My feet, the scars on my legs, and my stomach, I am 5'5" 1/2 and I used to weight 190, now I weight 160, I feel like my stomach has excess skin on it!

  11. i have kinda a big forehead lol


  12. my big hips!! gosh i hate them!

  13. my weight, my p***s size, and my acne

  14. my stomach, my butt and my height, im 15 and 5'8... i dont want to get any taller

  15. I'm only eleven, but I think i don't weigh enough. I'm eleven years old, a girl, and i weigh 65 pounds. i also hate my big nose and my frizzy hair

  16. nononono

  17. your actually pretty tall, don't worry about it.

    I hate my eyebrows and my toes. My eyebrows are way too out of control if I don't get them waxed every two weeks. That's $30 a month. ouch. And my toes just never look right because the nails break during field hockey boot camp.

  18. im 5'5'', ugly, slightly overweight, and am a loner

    you think you have it bad

  19. nothing to be honest ... apart from my bum lol .

  20. i agree....

    feet are ugly =P

  21. MY arms they have red sploches all over the top of them :(:(:(

  22. My nose...its a shnoz and a half

    My 5'9" and 156 lbs.  So even though I'm not really obese or anything, all my friends seem to be ripped...*sigh*

  23. my acne and my nose....

  24. hair around my ball area =x

  25. My big hips for being petite

  26. i would say bcuz im TO tall :DDD

  27. my love handles, i have a 6 pack but i have love handles, how the ***** does that happen??? it pisses me off  

  28. my hips, thighs and my ugly feet

  29. I'm a little insecure about the stretch marks I got when I was pregnant.  I'm told they're invisible, but then why can I still see them?

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