I'm a goofy lazy girl and I'd like to get some coloured hair extensions.The only people that look good in them on Google etc are the scene people,the rest(as Nicole Richie years ago)just look weird or trashy.So I don't like to wear as much make up as scene girls and don't wanna have a fringe(all of them have fringes...)as I find them uncomfortable.Do you think it'd look weird and "poser-like"to just have coloured extensions and "relaxed"hair and face,plus I don't wanna go shopping and think "oh would this look scene?doesn't it look too..."I just wanna be myself and myself likes coloured extensions xD But please be honest,I don't want to look too weird.
I found this photo,the girl doesn't have teased hair,not a long fringe,and has colors,and I think it look awesome on her.I like the blue but what other color could be cool on slightly dark BROWN hair?http://media.photobucket.com/image/scene%20hair%20or%20scene/pink-band/jj.jpg?o=492
Or more like this style(that I like too)http://rock-3mo-x3.skyrock.com/photo.html?id_article=1927075381&rev=1