
Guys and space?? What about women and space?

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First of all this question really has nothing to do with me. I just want better knowledge and understanding on this subject.

Anyway you know the infamous phrase "give the guy some space"? Well what about women? Are women's space put into consideration as much as the guys' space?

Now I am a woman who respects and honors other people's space. After emotional intimacy with a guy I leave him alone for awhile(days or weeks).

So here are my questions. When do you give a guy space and how often? and how long?? Guys do you give women space? If so when and how long?


This is whether in friendship or dating or husband/wife thing.




  1. I dont live with my girl, she has her own place, and that works great for us. Everybody needs space sometimes,

    Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

    I like to sleep alone most of the time, but we get together on weekends or go camping or go out of town and get a room or something. then go back to our regular lives till the next time.

  2. You should give them space when they ask for it.  I will add that if by space you mean "leave me alone and don't talk to me", I wouldn't do it very often; our needs probably wouldn't be compatible since I like to have my man around.

    My boyfriend and I live together, and I'm the one who likes space.  There are some days where I just want to destress and not really talk about anything, and he respects that.  It's never more than one or two nights.

  3. Not all guys are the same so its hard to answer, you can usually tell when he wants a little breathing room though.. Play it by ear, so to speak.

  4. My daughters boyfriend just told her he wanted to concentrate more on work so he wouldn't be texting or calling her as much.  She doesn't mind giving him more space as long as he is "Working" at getting work not on another relationship.  She enjoys having time to herself to do what she wants etc., so for them this is a good compromise.  They both like their space and are willing to give each other time to grow but get together once in a while to keep their relationship going.  I couldn't function like this and neither could my hubby but to each her/his own right?!  

  5. give him space if he asks for it, otherwise you can't know

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