
Guys answer: are girls more love obsessed than boys ?

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Guys answer: are girls more love obsessed than boys ?




  1. Depends on how abusive her boyfriend is. The more abusive he is the more she obsesses over him.

  2. I don't know, I think it's about the same, just guys don't show it outwardly as much.

  3. they are not love obsessed, they are monster obsessed

  4. yes

  5. Nah.

  6. Yes it is true. Psychological studies have proven that girls find relationships most important while guys find passion more important.

  7. it all depents on the guy or girl, like my last girlfriend said she loved me but, when it came down to it i loved her more than she loved me, so it can go both ways.

  8. hahhaah h**l yes thy r

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