
Guys answer this question!?

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whats the best way to get a stoners attention? should i smile is what im asking

would they understand that as being interested? would they get the clue i like them?




  1. Do yourself a favor, stay away from stoners, you're asking for trouble.

  2. I'm not a guy, sorry, but honey why do want to get a stoner's attention? I think you're better than that.  Get yourself a real man who's going somewhere with his life, and who will appreciate it if you're going somewhere with yours.

  3. well if your at school then chances are hes proably not stoned so you can yeah i think he would get the message

  4. Offer him drugs

  5. show up with a dime bag, naked...

    Just kidding! don'tt waste your time, he wont pay attention to you. Listen to loveline and you'll get all the answers you'll ever need about relationships.. Seriously. go to listen online live or download archives! search online for older shows and you'll soon be telling other people to listen!


  6. axe them questions about stoner movies n high times magazine. n touch their shoulder when talking to them cos they have bad sight.

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