
Guys be honest, what did you think when you first saw the movie Cinderella?

by Guest63790  |  earlier

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Instant Rice: I think you mean Déjà-vu. And yes it is. Thanks for answering.




  1. horrible  

  2. I had a perverted mind since I was born. So when I saw Cinderalla and the way her step mother and their daughters were treating her, I felt like shoving a knife up their asses and take Cindrella far away from them and marry her and keep her happy daily and have s*x with her! :D

  3. g*y.

  4. i saw the movie and i said to myself gee women are just plain st*pid, they always need a man to take them out of mom house...

  5. What the h**l is cinderella

  6. i liked it, i was young

  7. i think most people are to young to remember the FIRST time they saw cinderella.. they where probablly sucking their thumb and crapping their pants..

    the real story of cinderella is actually pritty cool... disney ruins fairy tales..  the stepmother tells the stepsisters to cut her heel to fit in the slipper.. the fairy god mother sends birds to peck out the eyes of the sisters and the stepmother..

  8. i thought her name Cinderella was sort of dumb. cause she always had cinder on her face or something.  

  9. you are asking alot with your avatar.  guys will look at that afro avatar and then make their opinions; hence the guy above me who said that there should be more meat ont the back, or somthing.

  10. I wished the stepsister would have cut her foot off like she was supposed to.

  11. I hated it and thought it was a bunch of c**p.....

  12. I was little and I really liked it. Now it's not my favorite disney movie, but I can tolerate it.

  13. loved it

  14. Whoa, deja-vous!

  15. i was a baby.  so i thought it was just another disney movie

  16. I want a fairy godmother too.

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