
Guys can you answer this-Did i make a dumb move????

by  |  earlier

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My mechanic- owns his shop. He flirts with me and flashes money around me. I do like him money aside (im not a gold digger- i own my own house, car, and have a job, dont have kids...just need a GOOD man)

He's way older than me I guess in my 30s

I dont see him much but when i do, he does a lot of service on my car for free. One day I called him and offered to treat him to coffee or a meal to thank him for all the work that he's done on my car for free. He told me that wouldn't be necessary. I feel so stupid now. My thoughts are that if he liked me he would have taken me up on the offer just to have a chance to go out with me. I did actually ask him just to get to know him better.

Do you think i made a "dumb chick" move???




  1. No it wasn't dumb.

    There are no dumb questions. Only dumb responses.

    It didn't hurt to ask.  He may be a playa , and if he is, oh well find a new guy.

    But no, not a dumb move, things shall continue as normal.

  2. no i think you did a really nice thing, but if you dont really like him, then just hangout once in a while and dont make it a habbit because what would happen is something big

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