
Guys can you explain this to me. dont judge a man until you've walk two moons on his own mocassins..?

by  |  earlier

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well this is my fave quote..




  1. Two moons actually means two months, and a moccasin is a kind of footwear. So...

    "Don't judge a man unless you've been in his situation [in his shoes]... for two months."

  2. It means that you have to go exactly where he goes, and experience exactly the same things for a considerable time, before you are qualified to make a judgement on his actions.

  3. its the same donot judge a book by its cover So donot form opinions about any one till u know of him well

  4. For me, don't judge someone you haven't  known deep and long. In short don't be a judgmental person.

  5. Don't judge another until you have walked two days in their shoes. Don't judge someone based on your own perceptions because you don't live the life they do and so you can't imagine how it must actually be until you do live their life, essentially.

  6. dont judge someone unless you put yourself in their place for two days.

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