
Guys do u feel bad when ur girl is against using birth control pills and instead asks u to use condoms???

by  |  earlier

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do u hate to use condoms??




  1. yup i hate condoms!  

  2. i am a girl 1st of all, and i am on the pill. i dont make my boyfriend use condoms since it doesnt feel as great for either of us, and we trust each other to be monogamous.  

  3. condoms protect against more then birth control pills do, so safety wise it's a smarter move, however in america more then other countries guys hate using condoms because they reduce sensation and because Americans circumcise a lot they already have a major disadvantage sensation wise so it makes condoms pretty annoying

    so we have already taken a hit for you girls that like cut penises, so it's fair to ask you to use the pill

  4. i don't feel bad about it

  5. honestly yes. because i have gone with and without and without feels so much better. unfortunately my girl wants me to use them because she doesnt want to go on birth control. i think its hypocritical

  6. Take it to Love & Romance.

    This forum has turned to nothing but d**k size and I can't come


  7. my body, my rules !

  8. no i wont =]

  9. i wouldn't care if she was using her own birth control; I always wear the proper sports apparel.

  10. no I dont feel bad I HATE IT


  11. Honestly,

    Your boyfriend or guy probably feels you don't care about him.  This might not be the case but thats exactly how I would react if I was with a girl for more than 6 months and we were in that kind of relationship.  Making him use a condom makes him think you don't think you'll be together long or you aren't willing to make sacrifices in the relationship.  Obviously for a guy it feels better not to use one so he is definitely going to be let down.

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