
Guys: do you do any "tests" to see if the girl you like is the one?

by  |  earlier

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Like so far ive heard of the "sunny test" where you see if the girl unlocks the car door for you and the "mario test".. a load of bull lol.. but ya what other tests do you do to see if the girl your with is a keeper or the girl you like is the girl you should go for?

please DO tell =)




  1. if she is hot shes a keeper

  2. That is the most ridiculous thing I have EVER heard!

  3. I don't, that just sounds stupid to be honest. The only way to really know if the girl is the one, is to find out the old fashion way. By dating, and talking, and all that. No test can really find that out.

  4. well, i'm not a guy, so I IM'd dad to see what he had to say:

    to test if the girl is ticklish, give her a couple test tickles.

    I'm not exactly sure how that test does anything to find out if the girl is a keeper or not.  I hate being tickled.

  5. this is such a stupid question only idiots have 'tests' and there is no way to test it exept by spending time with the girl and see if u like her

    so go away and take your 'tests' with u

  6. When my boyfriend and I first started dating he was 17 and dumb and did the "red light test." He told a spoiled friend of his about me and how much he liked me, etc and his friend told him to get in the car. They drove through a red light and he was supposed to see who he thought about. He thought of me. Apparently this means I'm the one. After he told me this, I told him he was an idiot, of course I'm the one, and if he ever does something that stupidly dangerous ever again I would kill him.... Turns out I was the one though, we're still together 5 years later.

    btw, whats the mario test?

  7. yea lol the sunny test doesn't work the mario test does because if a girl will suck it then i don't think she is the one because i would never be able to kiss a girl that had another guys in her mouth i basically just see how easy she is if it takes her at least 3 months then that's the kind of girl i would marry but if its easy to sleep with her i probably wouldn't marry her and the mario test works because if she does it i get a free bj if she doesnt do it i know she might be the one lol i love that movie

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