
Guys do you hate to be ignored by your crush?

by  |  earlier

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if yes, would you hurt your crush to show that if you were in martial arts? :)




  1. It does hurt to be ignored by a crush... Almost worse than been treated badly or being the only-friend guy.

    And WTF? Would I hit her you mean? No!? No, of course if I was really that desperate I might; if I was going really crazy and couldn't think of it... But no, I don't think so...

    In any case, thankfully I don't get many crushes (just like, not crush), so it doesn't really hurt that much... If Sarah ignores me, I'll go talk with Martha. (those are not real names, btw... -.-)

  2. I absotively-posilutely HATE being ignored by my crush, I've gotten used to it buy now, and have learned to pick up signs that they are interested in me.... but it still sucks, its like HEY!!!!! YOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!! OVER HEEEEEREEEEE!!!! am I invisible????????!?!?!?! and NO F-ING way I would hurt my crush, mentally, physically, emotionally, infact I do martial arts and I wouldn't hurt anyone who doesn't wrong me or someone close to me in a way that deserves physical retaliation.

    And if I am going to hurt someone purposefully or not in self deffense, I know that getting inside someone's head is WAAAAY more painful for them than actually "beating them up" trust me, the Napoleon of Psychological Warfare........


  3. My crush ignores me and I get mad yeah, but do I give a ****?..nah...Just realize that she is not my type anyways...most of the time if a girl ignores you she is stuck up..or you are weird to her..,

  4. Absolutely not, the very idea is repulsive. Of course, I'm a guy, so the same rules don't quite apply. Also, I can break 4 inches of wood with a palm strike. Hope I helped!

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