Question: you want your girl very skinny or with more meat on her bones "thick"??

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just want some different opinions.




  1. Skinny is nice.  But love to have more soft parts to really grab and dig into.  Some meat on her bones is prefered.

  2. either.

  3. well in my opinion i think girls that arent chunky but arent too skinny are perfect. just as long as theyre not anerexic skinny. athletic skinny is perfect.

  4. It all depends on the girl i guess.

  5. They either like:

    a.) Ladylike slenderness

    b.) Womanly curves

    :)  Either one is nice.

  6. skinny is ugly

    fat is ugly

    in between is hot

    tight stomach is hot

    rounded *** is hot

    cute booobs is hot

    but again skinny is ughh

  7. THICK!!!!

  8. i like a thick girl. i don't want very skinny with nothing. but i don't want an overweight girl. i like just a little more meat.

  9. Meat on her bones :]

  10. Skinny but not very skinny I don't want her to look sick and I don't want her to look like she lives in burger king a lil meat wouldn't be bad depends thou

  11. Somewhere inbetween.

  12. I like girls that have meat on them.  I'm a little guy @ 5'5" 137lbs.  What am I going to do with a little girl?  Break a hip? ( ^ _ ^ )

  13. Thick as grits!!!!!!

  14. Healthy bodies are always preferable, methinks...

  15. Well, since we are treating women like meat these days... I'd much rather be slamming my junk into something that isn't going to break when I get a bit excited... that is.. if that's what you were thinking about.

  16. well stereotypically most black and spanish guys go for more meat on the bone type and most white and asian guys go for the skinny type.  

  17. I hope they like a little meat in em. I think more cushion for the pushing is great. Hubby does too.

  18. Full Figures are Awesome.  More to give and more to hold.

  19. i know when i am at dances at my high school i like the more "thick" girls...not too thick...but just the right amount.  skinny chicks are just unpleasant. Also, thicker women have a nice cushion on their backside for bumping and grinding

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