
Guys- does he have an obsession?

by  |  earlier

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okay so pretty much my "bf" im dating is obsessed with me! he literally stallks me and calls me all the time, hes breaken into my phone voicemail, my email, my aim, and even my house! he calles me at least 25 times a day and if i dont pick up he comes over to my house demanding a whole bunch of shet, so yea a lil help with whats goin on? i mean yeah i prolly should break up with him its just were realllly close =(((




  1. holy c**p!! that guy is clinggyyyy!!

    but i do agree with the first answer, tell him to back off!!

  2. he just likes you, tell him, if he wants to be apart of your life, to stop.

    hes probably jsut being insecure.

  3. If he's doing stuff like that then it's time to threaten to or actually call the police. If he broke into your house, you should have called the police as soon as you knew. It doesn't matter if you like him, or even love him. He's breaking the law and he has to stop.

  4. Well, I'm not a guy, but ... your bf has a control problem. For some people, being in control of someone is a great substitute for love. You can't fix this; it will only escalate. If he has broken into your private matters, and your house, and comes over making demands, the next thing will be physical violence. It's time to quietly walk away. Now. Make it very plain, no maybes, that it is over. And then, no more contact, period. No replies to e-mails, texts, phone calls, door bells -- it is really over.

    If your gut feeling has you concerned enough to ask this question, then pay attention to your feelings. They are right.

    Good luck to you.

  5. tell him to back off

  6. first you need to make him understand that your relationship worth for both of you. there are some words only the heart can listen. hopefully he may understand your feelings and desperation about the relationship.

  7. just kick him...

  8. You must be doing something right to have him so obsessed! If I were you I'd tell him to stop being so insecure and if he don't listen, the best thing to do is break up! Its unhealthy to be so insecure. I once read that if the significant other makes the other worried that they aren't the one for them.

  9. This guy REALLY CARES about u!!!!!!!

      He's making sure u stay his and nothing else. He checked cell phone to make sure that u weren't talking to other guys.

      He gets mad cuz he thinks that ur ignoring him.

  10. Whoa! That is full on! He is totally obsessed with you, or he's overly posessive! I dont like how he comes over to your house being demanding answers if you dont reply to all of his attention! I would tell him to tone it down if youre not into that. If he continues then break up and cut all ties asap and this probably would include you changing your number etc. Hope it turns out ok!

  11. Wow yeah, even over protected parents don't act like this. This guy is crazy. You should really break up a guy like this if you feel like he's too over controlling.  

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