
Guys hating period complains?

by  |  earlier

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im sorry, but it bugs me when guys are saying **** about how girls shouldnt complain about their periods.

OMG, why cant we, we are the ones who deal with pms, cramps, and all the other stuff.

correct me if i am wrong, but guys dont go through something that bad every month?

so they have no room to talk, correct?

my question is, what is really the big deal,

(blah blah yes i know they might be discusted and what not, be really couldnt they at least care)




  1. I hated it when guys blamed my bad mood on pms.....because usually it had nothing to do with it.  Why should girls expect guys/men to sympathize with pms?  They don't experience it and we don't have blue balls.  Get over it girls.  It's a part of being a woman.  Our emotions are our emotions.........I don't know what my husband is feeling 100% of the time how can I expect him to know what I am feeling?  If someone pisses you off.....walk away or say, "I'm sorry I'm having a bad day and can't deal with this".  That's all it takes and life will be much easier.

  2. teenage boys have VERY bad growing pains all the time. right know i feel like to people are grabbing my arms and legs and pulling as hard as they can. we just get irritated

  3. s***w Them

    lol I know I would slap a any guy that would say that to my face and he would probably call me a b*tch afterwards But I could call him a Mother F*cking  Bast*rd and a jerk

    lol :]]

  4. Wait a little while, there will be a day when they are GLAD their girlfriend/wife complains about it because it means that she got her period.  There are a lot of other worries when she doesn't get it!

  5. Guys should try dealing with a week of constant flooding through their penises and deal with painful back-aches, irritability, cramps, and bloating.

  6. they are just ignorant and dont know what it is like.. just ignore it.

    they will never know what the experience is like just like when they say giving birth can't be that bad! That makes me mad the most... Have them try pushing something the size of a watermelon out of something stretched to the size of a lemon out of their body!

  7. they're just plain inconsiderate!

  8. ii know! their anoyying but wat can we do their dudess lol =]

  9. From a guys point of view: We are guys, so obviously, we never have and never will have to deal with having a period, therefore we do not know much about them. Taking into consideration the amount of times girls complain about them, they do not sound appealing so we do not make the effort to find out about them. We just thank god that it is something that we do not have to experience. When girls talk to me about periods, it makes me feel uncomfortable and at a loss for words. Often when a guy does not know what to say, he will say the first thing that pops into his head, simply to break the barrier of silence ( even if his choice of words are completely inappropriate )

    Yes, i learned the basic concept of menstruation at school, but they did not teach us all the details that you girls like to go into. Saying that you are on your period is enough. If you want to complain, then please complain to another female. It is like a guy complaining to you about being hit in the balls. You know the basic concept of how painful it is, but you will never understand just how agonizing ot intense it is or the side affects it can have on us.

  10. no they couldnt care cuz thats jst guys..but i say s***w them.cuz they dont go thru the d**n pain every month..all they have is a d**k 2 s***w girls with. lol..amen 2 this.

  11. omg the guys at my school are so annoying about that! its not so much that they hate it when we complain, but when we are upset with them or something they go "oh, is it your time of the month?" in a really patronizing voice, or they are like, "oh im sorry, but are you the one who bleeds for five days and doesnt die?" IT IS SO RUDE!!

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