
Guys: have you ever cried because you felt bad for hurting your girlfriend/wife?

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im sorry if i sound as though i am making men out to be such emotionless creatures. i dont mean to. but so far i have heard stories about men and women who cry over being hurt by someone else and women who cry because they feel bad for treating someone badly. but i am curious, do guys cry because you feel like bad people and/or because you feel bad for someone you hurt? thanks.




  1. Not yet.

    But maybe because I try very hard not to treat anyone like I wouldn't treat myself.

  2. Not exactly cried. But my ex-fiancee and I used to get into these arguments and say some pretty nasty things. I hated it. I didn't want to find and I tried to avoid it. But she would keep pushing me a lot of times until I would snap and say something just awful to her. I then would feel really bad about both myself and the situation. That's actually one of the reasons I broke up with her. I loved her and everything, but I just couldn't stand fighting with her all the time like that.

  3. my boyfriend did once, and it scared the c**p out of me because we are meant to believe that men dont cry or have emotions...though we all know they do.

  4. No. That is very not guy. They might show an act of sympthy, but that's about it. It would make them feel weak to cry. That should be only for death of parents, first love lost, first hugh job loss, first time a car is sold against his will, or if his children die. Other than that, nope, no tears.

  5. No, because all women are gold diggers who will squeeze the money out of my Platinum Master Card and deplete all my reserve funds. I would cry if all my money got depleted, but I'm smarter than that to let some ***** come and destroy my life.

    The thing is, I don't need a woman, they need us though and unfortunately, they aren't touching this ****.

    I've gotten so many women in a hissy fit because they see I'm sucessful at such a young age and they can see that my value can only increase. Therefore, they want to attach themselves to me, but I say "Nooooo *****!" Haaa.

    Too bad it had to be this way. Too bad they didn't want me when I didn't have money when I didn't have a cent to call my own, when I ha d to sleep in my uncle's apartment on his cot everyday for almost a year, struggling to survive, until I had a windfall.

    I've worked too hard to make a woman destroy what I have here.

    I sure as h**l won't let that **** happen.

    Also, I don't cry. I have no reason to cry. That's only for momma's boys.

    As I always say, **** b*****s, get money.

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