
Guys help? anyones help?is there a way to prolong love making or withhold his um ya know rhymes with borgasm?

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i really love the way this guy does eveything else and he is a good and unselfish lover but he -c-u-m-s quickly during the time i give him o-r-a-l it only takes 1 to 3 minutes for him to get his. im glad hes having fun but i would like to have intercorse and enjoy it long enough and i would like to perform oral longer too

we let him 'go' first so it can be more difficult for him to o****m a second time , but even the second time around its still 1 to 3 minutes until he umm yea anyway (its not that i dont wanna say what he does im just trying to follow the guide lines lol)

can anyone recomend a good condom that might help him last signifigantly longer or is there a technique we can use or some kinda cream we can use that wont give me an infection that will numb him? or something (we will be using condoms though)

does anyone have any personal experience with this and can anyone tell me what works best and also if theres a condom recomendation please concider that i DONT want somthing with the spermicde n-9




  1. This might help...

    I'm suggesting that while you two are in intercourse, and he starts to ejaculate, let him do that. When he's got all that sperm out for a bit, do it again and see if he lasts longer.

    If that doesn't work then used ribbed condoms! It could help a bit.  

  2. have him stop masturbating by himself. He was a frequent masturbater and has weakened his ability to hold it back. Have him cut it out, and just rest a little. You don't have to blow him/get any every day. Space it out. Let him recover. And during intercourse, just take breaks. Talk to each other. Have him tell you when he's going to go, then just break for a minute or so, then start again. He's gonna have to build up to not having to  ejaculate in 1-3 minutes to more time. Good luck.

  3. You are right.. there isn't a word that rhymes with o****m... Interesting.

    There are some products from s*x toy shops available that prolong intercourse by reducing sensitivity... that is, they numb him down a bit. Trouble is, you will suffer the same effect. Yes he can buy thick condoms.

    Really, the best method for control is for him to perform PC exercises.... at least it is a good start.

    He flexes his pc muscle... (guys... pretend you are holding in a f**t - it's the same group of muscles) for 3 seconds and releases.. repeating 20 times. If he does this 3 times a day for a month and he will have more control and stronger orgasms.

  4. You can  have him try some of the following excersises and maybe some tantra techniques. This is helpful with The withholding and connecting it is very therapeutic and intense. Taoist s*x also. I will provide links to both these wonderful sites. Relax, remember it is not a race to the finish. try oral night or boob night play around and make it more about feelings and not shooting the cannon too quickly. It is a mind game. Enjoy.

    Guys often ask themselves ? How can I last longer, be firmer and do better? The answer is working out your pubococcygeus muscles (PC) muscles, by doing Kegel exercises for men.

    PC muscles control the flow of s***n and urine, the firmness of your p***s during erection and the shooting power of your ejaculation. They are important, and if kept very strong, will see you into your golden years with a fantastical hard on. The great thing about Kegel exercises for men is that you can do them anywhere, anytime -- and nobody will know the difference.

    You will be able to better control your orgasms and ejaculations, and last for longer, plus you may get the added kudos of being able to hold up a wet towel with your erection if you practice these Kegel exercises for men.

    How do I know where my PC muscles are?

    The easiest way to find them is to stop your flow of urine next time you go to the bathroom. Another way to isolate them is to put your finger inside your a**s; when you contract the right muscles, your a**s will tighten. However you decide to find them, once they are found you need to practice feeling exactly where they are located -- it is easy to overcompensate for weak muscles by using the abdominals, buttocks or thighs. These must all stay relaxed when doing Kegel exercises for men.

    Now, on to the daily Kegel exercises for men.

    Note: These exercises are done hands-free. You do not “squeeze” anything with your hands as they are all done with your PC muscles.

    kegel session 1Exercise A

    Sets: 3

    Quickly clench and release repeatedly for 10 seconds.

    Take a 10-second break between sets.

    Exercise B

    Sets: 10

    Clench and release repeatedly for 5 seconds.

    Take a 5-second break between sets.

    Exercise C

    Sets: 3

    Tighten and hold your PC muscle for 30 seconds.

    Take a 30 second break between sets.

    That’s it for today, but repeat these Kegel exercises for men daily for one week.

    kegel session 2Exercise A

    Sets: 10

    Clench and hold your PC muscle for 5 seconds.

    Release and repeat.

    Exercise B

    Sets: 3

    Quickly clench and release your PC muscle 10 times.

    Exercise C

    Sets: 3

    Clench and release your PC muscle alternatively in long and short bursts for counts of 10.

    Exercise D

    Sets: 1

    Tighten your PC muscle and hold for as long as you can. Aim for 2 minutes.

    These work. My hubby does them and it works.*x/...

    Taoist s*x link.

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