
Guys how much does a kick to the balls hurt?

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coz i did it to a guy today and I think it must of hurt him a lot because he looked like he was going to die or something

he was almost crying and just holding his balls..

Btw, I had a good reason to tho he grabbed my boob without my permission so ye

anyway what does it feel like? im curious




  1. It hurts internally. takes the wind out of you. You should not do that. Not very nice, what happened to the old fashioned slap?

  2. Unbearable.  Like, your s*****m flings into your body, reaches your stomach, and you feel suddenly nauseous.  It's complicated =/

  3. Ok hen you girls are complaining about cramps and breaking a nail and all that multiply that by 558888585656955!

  4. imagine throwing up, listening to fall out boy, stabbing yourself in the throat, walking on hot coals, and snapping your femur bone all at the same time

  5. on a scale 1-10, 1 being little amount of pain, and 10 being a ton of pain, it it would a 15.

  6. The pain is usually severe and quickly moves from the balls up into the lower abdomen causing cramps and sometimes makes it hard for a man to breathe. If he's kicked hard enough he could even vomit. Normally he'll be doubled up on the ground for 5-15 minutes depending on how squarely he's kicked.

  7. Well, I know from little kids stepping on them accidentally when they are jumping on you that the pain from that can be really bad let alone an fully grown person doing it. I once saw a guy get hit in the nuts with a softball and he passed out. When he finally woke up he started throwing up. He had to go to the hospital, we carried him to the car.

    It's a scary thing for men to even imagine. I recently saw a movie called Hard Candy where this little girl slowly cut the balls off a pedophile and then ground them up in the garbage disposal. I couldn't help but squirm and eventually had to leave the room, I just couldn't watch it anymore.

    By the way, good for you.

  8. I am just cracking up cuz you dont know how awful it feels, its like anything else, it is a special kind of pain, it is amazingly awful. but that son of a ***** deserved it, how can you do that, without permission...

    in single words it just hurts sooooo bad!     hahhaah I cant stop laughing, it is like so funny, poor guy, yeah it hurts a LOT

    (it is like the worst thing you can ever do to a men)

    it feels like a kick in the balls, it is like if someone jumped on your stomach and then kept on doing it for an hor until you cant breathe, it is not a cut feeling thing, it is more like being hit by a train going fast, some people say even worse than giving birth, it is just a quick long lasting pain, like being hit by a tree in the stomach, but with the pain moving all over your body, even the hands, but it isnt like any kind of pain, is like if someone was trying to take your eye off with his bare hands, hard to explain, but it is funny to know that girls dont know what it feels like, lucky you d**n girls!!

  9. F@%$*in horrible!!

  10. It is only like the most painful thing ever. I have cried after being kicked in the balls. It is the worst feeling ever, it is like your balls have gone up into your stomach and you just want to lay down and not get up. I guess you had a pretty good reason.

  11. it feels almost as good as grabbing a girls boob without her permission

  12. Hmm! I wondered that too.

    Once I threw my book across my table at school so my friend could look at it and it hit my friend in the nuts. it wasnt even that hard but he actually turned green and said he needed to leave the classroom incase he was sick.

    i dont know what pain i can compare it to

  13. You might have actually ended his ability to have children later on. No male deserves this unless you are sure they are threatening you with bodily harm.

  14. You simply can't imagine it.

    If you've ever had the wind knocked completely  out of you by falling a few feet onto your back or being hit at the top of your belly really hard, then you know what that part of it is like... and if you've ever had dry heaves that keep going after you've alreeady emptied your guts, then you know about that feeling too... but the pain that radiates from the balls right up through the chest and arms, across the hips and into the lower back and all the way down both legs is an agony like nothing else I've ever felt in all of my 48 years.

    Don't be afraid to use a good swift nutcracker with steel-toed boots in a real self-defense situation, but never do that to a guy unless you really intend to *disable* him.  It's actually possible to put him entirely out of commission... I mean, like, on the ground writhing in pain and gasping/coughing/heaving for half an hour... if even a moderate kick is placed just right.

    Believe me: no man who isnt trying or threatening to seriously harm you should *ever* have to take such treatment from you, and you should call youself lucky if he forgives you: he won't forget it - *ever*.

  15. if a girl has been punched in the boob increibly hard,ive heard it hurts there then times it by 10

    When i got kicked in the balls sometimes you can still feel it 30 minutes after.

  16. Its the worst pain a man can experience whilst being otherwise healthy.

  17. A lot. It not only hurts your balls, but you lower stomach hurts right afterwards. It's terrible, I've gotten hit hard enough there that I want to throw up. It's not a sharp pain, it's a dull but intense feeling. Hope that helps.

  18. lets put it this way, it can kill you.

    like 4673 people in america die from gettin kicked in the balls

    he shouldnt a done that but you dont have to kick him in the balls, try the knee or something, it doesent take full force to kill someone that way, just the right angle and


  19. Its like someone stapling your bewbs to a table made out of razorblades.

  20. the opposite of an o****m

  21. you go girl he deserved that!! tryin to cop a feel..what a jerk!! but yeah i wouldn't kno how it feels lol...he won't be feeling on you ever again!

  22. It's comparable to hitting your funnybone/tailbone, x10.

  23. seeming how guys use THAT head to think for more then the one on their shoulders... ive been kicked in the vag a few times and man oh man i wanted to knock the bittttcchhh out! i couldnt imagine. i just couldnt imagine.

  24. Actually I enjoy it. I let girls kick me in the balls just for fun. =)..

    Nah just kidding.

    Really it hurts SO MUCH. Like it's a deep throbbing pain that you can't get rid off. My health teacher brought this up he said getting kicked in the balls is like getting punched in the heart. Iit's a pain that WON'T GO AWAY!


  25. ouch >.<  lets go with this....take a 5 lb weight drop it on your bare boob.....tell me if it hurts :D  pretty much the same :D

  26. Frequently it doesn't hurt at all because you pass straight the h**l out.  So it doesn't really hurt for a while.  I realize he behaved poorly but you really shouldn't have done that.  I have any older neighbor friend who is incapable of having children because someone did the same thing you did.  It can have a lasting effect.

  27. it feels like you got the wind knocked out of you, u can't breathe and the pain goes all the way up into the stomach. Its a deep stabbing pain, feels like you got cut with a razor or something, think deep papercut. And the pain lingers for a few minutes. Thanks for kicking me in the balls btw.

  28. Let a male professional boxer hit you in the stomach as hard as he can. That about how much it hurts.

  29. its a different kind of pain extremely stingy and you it feels like they exploded in your sack and your an a*****e for doing that...

  30. Hard to describe. First hit is a sharp, bad pain like you've just been stabbed. Then as time goes its like a sore muscle, but 15x the pain. A couple minutes later you feel like your gonna puke. Absolute h**l.  

  31. Believe it or not, it hurts worse if you just graze them, than a full on kick. It literally feels like you've been kicked in the stomach repeatedly for an hour.

    He deserved it. A gentleman does not go where he has not been invited.

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