
Guys: how would you feel if you lost a match to another martial artist that was openly g*y?

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the reason i ask this is because a guy at my Tae Kwon Do School lost a match to another student who is g*y, now a lot of the other guys are giving him a hard time about it calling him a punk for losing to a g*y dude. he's taking it pretty bad, i tried talking to him but he shuts me down and walks away every time. our TKD teacher is a bit of a jerk and could care less.. juss wondering how you guys feel about it, thanks.




  1. I would feel as if I lost to a better fighter that day.  I don't think sexual orientation has anything to do with ones ability to do things.  The guys that are giving him a hard time are small minded idiots.  

    Does the g*y man leave the school in a dress,  if he does, it is his preference.  My question would be "Is the dress/ensemble tasteful, does he do his hair/makeup well ?".  In the "land of the free", there seems to be little room for independent thought and little tolerance for those who are different.  It is no wonder my gf wants us to move to France (her home country).

    In my 10 years of active military service (Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)) I never thought about the sexual orientation of the people in my squad.  It was a far greater concern that my comrades fight well, I never thought about what they did when we were on leave or whom they went home to.

    Your TKD instructor sounds like a jerk, a student lost a match to a better student, full stop.  If this instructor has hetero/homo issues than he is a hypocrit, if he has a problem with homosexual people (male or female) how can he take their money and teach them ?

    Your friend lost to a better figher that day, tell him to get over it and get better at what he does.

  2. At my high school there was a g*y kid once, who was being harassed by a white trash punk who was just, in every sense of the word imaginable, a total loser.  One of those people who just could not be nice to anybody, even if people were nice to him.  In other words the true, classical "loser," before feminist brats expanded the definition of the term in the 1990's to mean any guy who doesn't make seven figures.

    So, while me and another kid are watching the g*y kid get harassed, the other kid was saying he was actually hoping it would come to blows because he did not like g**s either.  He then asked me who I thought would win.  My reply?

    "Ah, the g*y kid...."

    He's like

    "You really think so?"

    And I was like "think about it man; you think that is the first time he's been harassed?  g*y kids likely get into a lot of fights......"

    Think about it.



    Myself, it would depend what kind of g*y guy; if it was a Donny Osmond, panty waist, "daisy" kind of g*y guy then, yeah, I would feel like a bit of a punk.

    If it was the kind of g*y guy who was hyper macho, that is, the kind of g*y guy who is the "man" of the two, then I would feel better about losing.

    If it was the "pansy" kind, hey, sorry.  Also sounds to me like he better find himself another TKD school, that sounds pretty irresponsible to me and besides, you ever watch Ninja Turtles?

    An early 1990's episode had an interesting "Shreder" tidbit.  The Shreder is exiled by Kran right?  He goes to a martial arts school, where the head sensei is this hairy, pot-bellied, thickly limbed macho Italian New Yorker, and his students were all a bunch of geeks.  Nothing unusual, that is usually how it is.  The head sensei said "if it wasn't for the fact they all pay me money, I would not train any of these wimps......"

    Now, Shreder heard this, and he said to the sensei;

    "the skill and strength of the students, reflect the skill and strength of the teacher........"

    In other words, wisdom from that "kid's cartoon;" your TKD teacher BETTER start caring.

    Regarding how that little exchange played out.... come on now its Shreder we're talking about, how do you think?  He smacked the c**p out of the guido and took over his school, then he turned the geeks into bandits and it was up to the turtles of course to stop him.

    anyway peace; food for thought.

  3. Personally it wouldn't bother me, I'm secure in my heterosexuality.

    In our society sports (especially contact sports) is a macho culture even though women are allowed to be part of it.  It's acceptable for a woman to display masculine traits, but not the other way around.  It's acceptable for a figure-skater or a diver to be g*y, but not a contact sport like football, basketball, or hockey, and definitely not in martial arts.

    Some guys g*y-bash as a way to affirm their masculinity, because in their minds a g*y man is less than a man.  So to lose a fight to a g*y person is damning.  Hopefully, everybody can just get over it and more on with their lives, and nothing stupid happens.

  4. Haha, I feel bad that I find your story funny. Your sexual orientation has nothing to do with your martial skill... maybe tell him to tell the other students that the g*y guy would probably beat them to because raw talent shouldn't be ignored because you're g*y, it sounds like they're all homophobically stereotypical.

  5. If somebody beats me I respect them....because I KNOW there good

  6. Perhaps that g*y student wouldn't have to practice as hard if there weren't people that felt the way the people do in your school. Think about it. If he is openly g*y there are people who would do him harm and maybe he practices harder because of the attitudes of others. To answer your question, I wouldn't feel bad that I got beaten by a openly g*y guy. I mean if I get beaten by a openly straight guy it would be the same. We are all there to learn and perhaps he trains harder than I do. How is being openly g*y for him hurting me? Hate because of someone's orientation is a very bad thing. Don't you learn tolerance and self control in your DOJO?

  7. I would feel bad, not because he's g*y, but because i lost. But i'd get up and shake his hand anyway because he beat me fair and square

  8. Yeah I'm gonna have to agree. Sexual preference has nothing to do with the match that was lost or either ones ability to perform. I would bow in respect. Why is immaturity finding it's way into your facility anyway. There is'nt any room for that in martial arts. Don't know about the rest of you but, I'm all for discipline in the dojo. Where's this school located. It appears the instructor is'nt doing what he's suppose to. I say find a new school.

  9. Heterosexual male, homosexual male, heterosexual female, homosexual female; it all matters nil. When I am rolling with a training partner or I would presume in competition, it would not matter what they were ... I'd respect them the same, and treat the outcome of the match the same. If I am beaten, I am beaten; sexual orientation be damned.

    So to answer your inquiry, I wouldn't feel anything. Disappointed that I was defeated, glad that I won just by competing and learned more from losing to a superior fighter.


  10. some of these weenies need their *** hauled into a g*y biker bar a place I wouldn't go unless I had a gun .I dont know if I have ever had a g*y student and I dont care really but I have had macho hetero types who thought martial arts classes were a good opportunity to grope the female students .

    This usually leads to them having their macho asses kicked and being shown the door .

  11. if a guy is a good martial artist, the fact that he's g*y doesn't change anything, he's still a good fighter. if i lost a fight to a homo, the only thing i would care about is if i did my best or not. cause no matter who i fight, if i'm not at my best then i'm just cheating myself.  

  12. I would be upset that I lost, never mind who I lost too. If somebody is upset because they lost to a certain type of person... Leave them be its their ego getting in the way and nothing more. We really can't help with ego, as much as we want to. It's all in the individual themselves.

  13. well, it'd have to feel really bad. I see it more as a hypothetical question considering g**s are way too sissy to beat me in any physical contest, but hypothetically, I think I would shut myself away in my room and wither away in shame for dishonoring mankind.

  14. Honestly I would have never known if one of my competitor was or not.

    Competition does not state your sexual preferences. This is just not proper.

    Im straight too but could care less.

  15. Is Acorn your instructor? Because it would appear from your question that your instructor is a misogynistic bigot, and  Acorn's "answer" would fit him into that mold as well.

    Your friend needs to approach the g*y student and congratulate him openly, honestly, and without remorse for besting him in the contest. Homosexuality has absolutely nothing to do with a person's martial arts abilities. Forwarding the notion that "g*y men can't fight" is the same as saying "black men can't swim", "White men can't jump", "short men can't date tall women", etc. etc. It's ignorant on the face of things, and reveals a deep lack of self confidence and fear in those who advocate this stance.

    You could help your friend by finding a better school for both of you to attend. It appears that the "respect" aspect of martial arts training in your current dojang is sorely lacking. And take your g*y friend with you when you go. The kind of intolerance you say is being displayed there reeks of a bad situation brewing.

    EDIT: 2 thumbs down in rapid succession...WOW!! I think someone is upset, and apparently has a friend...

    EDIT: Hey, I thnk I figured out who the friend is...funny how their names both start with the same letter...I can think of ANOTHER word that starts with that letter too...anyone else??

  16. Acorn and Alex are total a**holes.  I train in the bay area and have competed against several g*y martial artist.  I have lost and won to them, respect them all equally as fellow martial artist and human beings.  

  17. Sexuality has nothing to do with martial arts skill.

  18. gutted

  19. ok sorry to be a prick, but you should be ashamed. most professional athletes are straight males without faulted IMBALANCED in their bodies causing them to crave c.ock.

    you basically have no talent in the sport, if u lost to a guy with sub-par testosterone.  

  20. It might start to sink in that sexual alignment is not related to martial arts skills.

    A cocky attitude has been the downfall of many!

  21. sucks for that guy , he lost now he needs to pick himself up and stop being a *****, regardless of who u lost to it all in the learning process, u take some and u get some, u get beat by a g*y , tough, lifes not fair ,walk it off! train harder so it wont happen again, his friends are making fun of him bc other want to instill in him the fact that lousing is not ok, plus the guys are just a bunch of douche bags probably , ur teacher probably dose not care about the guys bruised ego, its sort of the right approach bc the guy might learn how to handle it himself or he might let that resentment grow until he starts fester with anger, and hate about what happened

    i personally think its very sad that the guy has a problem lousing to a g*y guy, he should be more pissed that he just lost, regardless of what his opponents orientation  

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