
Guys i NEED ur help wth this plz if u have EVER loved a girl plz help and if u havent thn stil plz help me?

by  |  earlier

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ok... lets just say u like this girl from ur OLD school (u moved) and she is a grade older. but thn this girl tht is ur ok friend u like too and u thnk she mite go out wth u if u ask her. but u dont know for sure. meanwhile ur best friend thts a girl u find out likes u a little and wants to go out wth u. and u like her a little too. and she always compliments u and is nice and thinks ur funny and u have a great time whn ur around her, shes ur best friend thts a girl remember tht. but u dont wana go out wth her for 2 reasons... 1. becuase u dont love her (u like her though and care about her) and 2. becuase u dont wana ruin ur guys friendship. evrybdy thnks u guys go good togethr. and she rele likes u... wht do u do???????? wht would u do???????




  1. just explain why you don't have feelings for her that way, even if she gets a little heart-broken then you two will still remain friends. and the person might just be reading the signals a little wrong, the girl might love you like a little sister or something.

  2. Sry, I'm a girl, but a similar thing happened to me but only with guys. I didn't give one of my best friends a shot, but you totally should. Just try out, and if things aren't working say so. Best friends would be more understanding to that kinda thing. But, I don't think it's fair to not date someone because you don't love them. I think that to be in love, it needs to be reciprocated to some degree, and who's to say that you won't fall in love with them? Hope this helps! P.S. And before you reject your BFF, I'd find out if your kinda friend would definitely say yes, not maybe say yes, because it would suck to turn down ur BFF and then be rejected by the other person. GOOD LUCK! :)

  3. u reeeeally like the girl from your old school? let's call her girl A to avoid confusion. well, you could always just meet up with girl A and if along the way, you are sure of your answer..go with her! As for your best friend..girl do not love her..but do you have romantic feelings towards her? do not bother what others you have that feelings for her? the best way to find to go out with them and find your heart. If it is not your best friend you want..please make it clear to her..and lessen the pain. I must say that you're a super lucky guy  =D good luck!

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