
Guys i need help with my golf swing!!! plz help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok im 14 and im playing in a tournament tomorrow. i play pretty good but for the last week my drives ALWAYS go to the right!!!!!! i have a really awesome driver and i can hit super far, but they always go right. i mean seriously every stinken time. my dad tells me that the club face is too open, but that still doesnt help. i won the tournament last year and i really want to win this year!!!! please help me. i dont want my drives goin to the right every time. so can u help me????? please give lots of info!!!!!!





  1. Just start out with the club face a little more closed then normal. I had the same problem a few years back, but i'm not sure it can be put into play with the tournament tomorrow, it took me a few rounds to teach myself to do it without thinking.

  2. Ok first of make sure ur turning your hands over. This will bring the club face square at impact. Make sure you start at the top of your backswing. If this doesn't work keep turning them over but gradually move your hands to the right untill the ball is going straight or has a slight draw. Remember if the ball goes left move your hands right and vice versa. Good Luck!!

  3. swing easier, put the ball farther forward, or strenghthen your grip

  4. How To Master The Golf Swing

  5. Put your left hand more on top of the club.  Strengthen your grip.  i work with a golf pro and thats what he said, from me reading him your question. Now hes showing me what you should do, but unfortunalty im not in the tournament so i'm not much help. Sorry

  6. I read recently that the "V" that forms on your right hand between your thumb and your forefinger when you grip your club MUST point towards your right shoulder.  Apparently some people incorrectly try to correct a slice by having that "V" pointing towards the left shoulder, but this pro said that will only make it worse.  Basically, the key is to keep the club face square to the target when it strikes the ball.  Keeping your head still and your eye on the ball to impact helps to facilitate this.

    I agree with the answer about rotating the left hand to be more on top....apparently that automatically strengthens your left hand grip.

    I was also told that a slice can happen with a swing that is too much from the "inside out".  Looking at the divot your club makes should point straight at the target, not to the right or the left.   But I also agree with the previous answers.....a tournament is no place to try a new swing.  If you have a chance to spend a few minutes on the driving range before the tournament, try adjusting your hand positions slightly, but leave the swing alone for now.  Good luck.

  7. this close to the tourny dont change anything....just go to the range and play with what you got....if it goes right aim farther left....

  8. there could be a list of reasons why you are hitting to the right, but a good one to work on is to make sure that you "clear your hips" before contact. that means from the top of your back swing  you should unwind with your legs and hips, they should lead your arms and club to the ball. This should result in an unintrupted free swing at the ball, with a straighter and longer ball flight, hope it helps

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