
Guys i really need help?

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i think im depressed. not about life. just about a certain subject, Barbaro. i know i sound like im bragging but i can't stop thinking about him or crying. when ever i see a picture now i just start to tear up inside.

but i watch videos on and i see what a great horse he was and that he went through so much for nothing, omg see im starting to cry writting this! (im NOT kidding!)

please help wut should i do :``(

P.S. don't sug-jest consuling, ok

i miss him so much, why him? y did he have to go, omg

ur girl, melissa :(




  1. I know you really like Curlin too.

    Maybe putting more time into your facination with Curlin will help you deal better with the loss of Barbaro.

    I've worked with Thoroughbreds for 10 years and have had my share of horses I loved taken from me in claiming races and (thankfully not too often) death. It is never easy to lose an animal that you have great affection for. I found that by focusing on the horses around me I was better able to deal with the all the emotional c**p that comes with losing a friend.

    Time is an amazing healer and eventually you will be able to think about Barbaro without feeling so down.

  2. Then stop watching him on, and put Curlin's picture on your desktop.  Why don't you get off your computer for a few days, and go out and do things other 13-15 year old girls do.  Go to the mall, or to a movie (a comedy, please) The horse was a special horse.  Crying is not going to bring him back.  Remember him as a Derby Champion!!!!

  3. Well watching videos on YouTube is not going to make you feel better is it?  You need to stop watching and reading things about him until you feel you have got over it.  It's corny, but time is a great healer.  Please keep things in perspective though: you did not own/breed/train/handle Barbaro so you can never consider him to be "like a brother".  Bear in mind how his connections must feel before you get overly emotional.

    Horses break down, I'm afraid it happens, but you really do need to move on before it affects the rest of your life.

  4. I know I loved Barbaro! He was a very special horse! Everytime I see a picture or video I tear up!! But you also have to think about the horses that were injured but came back like Mariah's Storm! But still I love Barbaro!!! I cried when he was euthanized!!!!!

  5. WOW did you know him, or M. Matz or... I mean how did you become so attached. Unfortunately this happens to a lot horses (breaking leg=dead) It just isn't covered.

  6. my dad was a great guy he said "when native diver died, everyone at Hollywood park broke down and cried, this horse had won the Hollywood gold cup 3 years in row 1966-1968....i had a favorite horse named cougar2ND...he ran against the great Secretariat in 1973 and ran 3rd behind him and his stable-mate 1972 Kentucky derby winner Riva ridge, but he was a west coast champ. always gave his best, when i read in the form that he had died. i must admit, i did get a little don't feel are human.

  7. I understand completely how you are feeling, we all loved Barbaro, he was something special, I don't know how old you are but just to touch base with this situation I am 61 and I have been mouring for 32 years over Ruffian, they just had that movie on and it was just like it was happening all over again, and the same for Go for Wand , I can't get them out of my mind either, I don't know why I feel so deeply about it, I wrote a letter about Barbaro passing cause it broke my heart too, and my letter autually got published in one of the horse magazine in Memories of Barbaro.  He was something to see, I saw him spring of 2006 at Keeneland schooling in the paddock and he was breath taking I just stared at him he was so beautiful and I will treassure that image of him.  He took my breath away and as I am writing this I can still see him in my mind of memories.

    I know it is difficult to bear such pain but you are not alone, like I said ever since we lost Ruffian 32 years ago I can't forget her either,  But they are for sure all worth remebering in the very best way possiable.  Good luck to you, I really have no suggestion of how you can deal with it as I am in the same situation, I just thought it might help to let you know you are not alone in your saddness.

  8. Just remember him as the Derby Champion. When I saw him walk out on the field for race I knew he was the horse to beat. I picked him as the winner. He gave it his all. When I heard what happened at the Preakness I was in ahh. I worried about him too. I was raised up around horses most of my life and I was hoping that one of the vets knew to put him up in a sling to keep his feet from touching the ground after his surgery so he wouldn't get laminitis but I guess they wasn't allowed to do a home remedy. But you will also need to think of him as a TRUE CHAMPION that fought to recover from laminitis and when we all thought he was in the clear and everything looked so promising I was excited. Then when I heard he was sick again I got worried that our Champion may have to be put to rest. When word came across that he indeed was put to rest I too cried. But thanks to him there will be research done to help with laminitis and money is being raised to support this research. Next year watch the Derby and pick a horse that you think can win the Kentucky Derby and go with it.

  9. I actually feel the same way about Barbaro and I am an adult. I still cry if I think about him or see pics of him. You are not the only person out there experiencing this. I am surprised that I myself can have such strong emotions for a horse I never even met. I know for myself, there are a lot of parallels between my mother and Barbaro. Barbaro died eight months after complications from a leg fracture sustained in May 2007. My mother died eight months after complications from a hip fracture sustained in April 2007. I have often thought that Barbaro is so signficant to me because my grief for him is intertwined with my grief for my Mom. I wonder if you have recently experienced some kind of loss in your life? It doesn't have to be a death, maybe a close friend moving far away, a big disappointment, etc. Maybe it is easier to grieve for a horse we never met than to face grief from something closer and from our own lives.

    I do agree with you that it was a tragedy. A beautiful young horse at the peak of his career who very likely would have been a Triple Crown winner. All that ended in one single, horrible, instant at Pimlico last May. It just goes to show how fragile life is. Sadly, horses break down and are euthanised on the track just about every day in this country. Out of every 1,000 horses that starts a race, two will fracture a leg. We don't hear about these horses because they are not as famous as Barbaro, but hopefully, other horses will benefit from the knowlege gained from Barbaro.

  10. OK if counseling is out. WOW. I realize he was a special horse. But horses come and they go. At least he a chance. Look up video of Go For Wand, if you want to see a horse tragedy were the popular horse had no chance what so ever.

    Go outside, find a boyfriend and get active in your life. Continually crying over a horse that has been down as long as he has, I'm sorry is ridiculous. Most people would have been expected to have moved on from the death of a family member by now. I really am not trying to be cruel but you need to move on!

  11. I was at The Preakness Stakes last year and when I described the entire situation on a radio talk show, the host told me later one person contacted him to say she started crying as I outlined my recollections of the tragedy.

    My only hope - and I hope it is yours, also - that through his death will bring new research and a cure for laminitis and other injuries that make too many stories end in tragedy and sadness.

    That is what we all need to focus on now, the monies being raised for research, the monies being donated to retirement facilities and the monies being used by hospitals to treat more racers with state-of-the-art equipment.

    I will never get over seeing the Preakness in person, but his death will not be in vain. I am confident of that.

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