
Guys im13 what oz gloves should i get i want to get the 10oz gloves is that good with oz should i get?

by  |  earlier

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guys what pair of good gloves should i get i want 10oz gloves should i get that are some thing elsed gloves can yall lplz helped me im a rookied and i want the 10oz gloves




  1. The oz-number tells you about the padding of a glove. The higher the number the heavier the glove, the softer the punch.  Usually 10 oz gloves are used in amateur competitions and some of the professional heavyweight bouts. Worn by a grown up, they have a quite effective and hard punch. Sparring and training gloves usually start off at 12 oz up to 16 oz.  

    But if you are just 13 years old, your punch is not yet that strong so you can also use 10 oz gloves without really hurting your opponent.

    Best wishes for your boxing career.

    Please excuse any grammar errors, because english is not my first language.

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