
Guys in the high school locker room...Did you change from tighty whities to boxers?

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Back in high school I noticed a really shallow trend. Tighty whities/briefs were no longer worn by most guys. This was a dramatic shift from 7th and 8th grade gym class where almost every guy wore tighty whities. Most of my buddies made the switch from briefs to boxers within the first month of high school. I think there were two of us in my class who still wore tighty whities and were suddenly the target of stupid locker room humor. This pissed me off since less than a year before I had seen some of these guys wearing the same kind of briefs I did. Were you one of the guys who gave up wearing tighty whities because that is what every other guy seemed to do? My buddies who switched to boxers in HS, are once again back to wearing briefs full time. Did you guys conform and switch to boxers or did you not give a s**t and wear briefs anyways?




  1. Guest204
    I didn't switch to boxers until college. Then after a while, I switched back to tighty whities. I preferred the support and comfort of briefs over boxers. And I thought they looked better and fit better under jeans.

  2. how do i show my tighty whities in the locker room so people do comment and give me a wedgie or pants me???? in the locker room though?????

  3. No way! Even though almost every single guy changed to boxers when they entered high school I didn't. Sure I got picked on here and there but it was mostly just locker room teasing stuff. My buddy and I just told ourselves that real men wear briefs because they aren't afraid to have people see our packages. Plus we were athletes and really needed the support that boxers didn't provide.

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